A Complete Guide To Raster Or Vector | Cre8iveSkill


How does the raster vary from the vector? The newbie designers, webmasters, advertising agencies and others who create and inspire artworks frequently ask this question. The distinction between raster and vector images has to be clarified. We are here to clear all the discrepancies that you have regarding the raster and vector images. We will discuss some very important points that are essential in differentiating raster from a vector image. These include:  

  • What is a raster image?
  • What is a vector image?
  • How are raster and vector images different?
  • When should you use raster or vector?



Raster images are made up of individual pixels of color, also known as a bitmap. The overall image is provided by each color pixel. In contrast to pointillist images, raster images are composed of a series of painting colors. A single pixel in a raster image may be depicted by each dot in a pointillist painting. The raster pixels function in the same way, which makes for rich pixel-by-pixel editing and detail. Raster pictures1 can render multi-colored, complex visuals like soft color gradients. Digital cameras create raster images and raster images are all the pictures you see in print and online. There are various types of raster files, such as JPG, GIF and PNG, and each type of file has its own complexities. The Raster images are appropriate for photo editing, digital paint production and space compression in programs such as Photoshop and GIMP. It depends on the size and quality of a given raster image. It depends on the size and quality of a given raster image.

Quality is frequently determined by the number of pixels in an inch expressed as pixels per inch or PPI; also the overall size of the image expressed as pixels (for instance, 5,000 pixels wide by a height of 2,500 pixels). The higher the PPI and length, the higher the value. For example, most projects require a minimum of 300 ppi for printing pictures. For example, you want to print a brochure, and you need a reference photo to cover the whole interior unfolded: 8.5 “x11” At least 3.300 pixel high (11 inches) with a resolution of 300 ppi should be a 2,550-pixel wide image of your background, everything will be reduced and performance will be lost because raster images can not be increased to larger sizes. When scaled, performance is lost and is distorted as each code pixel grows or photo editing seeks to compromise by adding colored pixels. Although raster pictures can not be scale-up, they can be reduced, as is generally the case in web pictures, mostly saved in smaller sizes, and either 72 ppi or 96 ppi resolutions.  


vector graphic consists of paths, each with a mathematical formulation (vector), indicating the path of how it was shaped, and what color it was bordering on or filled with. Unlike raster graphics that constitutes color pixels designed to display an image. As mathematical formulas determine the format of image processing, the presence of vector pictures remains independent of volume. They are infinitely scalable. In programs such as IllustratorCorelDraw and Inkscapevector images can be generated and edited (do not be concerned, these graphical editors are doing the math for you). Vectors can be used for photograph imitation, but are suitable for simple, solid color-purpose designs. Variable pictures contain different forms, and each form has a color of its own. Thus, a variable image can only be raster-imaged (it may be imitable, but it needs rasterizing part of the image–meaning it would not be a true vector). The vector images are composed of forms.

Real vector graphics comprises of line art, also known as vibrant wireframes. Vectors are suitable for labels, drawings, shapes, etches, brand designs, signage, and embroideries because they can be endlessly scaled without loss of quality. The vectors should not be used in digital or image edition paintings, but are suitable for projects like stickers with no images.   It must be remembered that vectors must be rastered before they can be used on the website, with the exception of SVG format.  


1. Pixels versus math

pixels vs math

Considering that raster images consist of colored image pixels, they can not be scaled without sacrificing quality. If you stretch a raster, the pixels get blurred. The smaller the picture is, the resolution must be less to maintain quality (pixels-per-inch). In comparison, when the vector is resized, the mathematical equations that form the basis re-establish, so you can scalify a vector graph infinitely and keep its edges straight and smooth. If you zoom in the raster and the vector you can see the difference easily; individual pixels can be seen in the raster file, but the vector is still smooth. Resolution is not an issue for vectors. Raster images are able to display a plethora of colors in one image and to edit the color beyond the image of the vector. We demonstrate intricacies at the right resolution in light and shade. Vector pictures are scalable in order to design the same image once and for all sizes, from business cards to billboards. 

2. Reel or Real graphics

Reel or Real graphics

Although a vector may be rendered identical to an image, the minute complexities of mixed color, lighting, shadows and gradient make the true picture with vectors impossible. Although it would be feasible, it would be a very tedious process because every change of color involves a new shape. Vectors can be augmented with rasterized effects; however, it is not the same as a true vector; issues like scalability and resolution are considered. On the other hand, rasterized images are able to perfectly portray true-to-life graphics: color contrasts, colors, gradients and shadows visually are finer. 

3. File type and size

JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, BMP, and PSD are the most common types of raster files. AI, CDR and SVG are the most common vector file types. EPS or PDF format rasters and vectors are available where the code that created the file determines whether it is a raster or vector file. Adobe IllustratorCorelDraw, and InkScape are popular vector creation and editing programs. Photoshop (with limited vector capacity) and GIMP are the most common raster editors.

Because images with raster need to contain all the necessary information (pixels, colors, pixels arrangement, etc.) for rendering the image, the bigger the file size, the higher the resolution and dimension, the bigger the file. Compression will help to reduce the size of these files, but rasters take up a lot of space compared to vectors. Why does this happen? Because vectors depend on calculations to be carried out by the programs that load them, their mathematical formulas are the only information that they require.   This table discusses some variations between the representations of the raster and the vectors, their benefit (pros), and drawbacks (cons).


The Raster images are best for pictures while logo, diagrams, gravings, gravings, etchings, creative items, signage and borders are best for vectors. If your project requires complicated color blends, such as painting, the Raster is the format preferred; if your project needs compact forms, solid colors, like drawing, the vector is the best choice for you. Many images are similar to raster images and vectors to draw. For example, a brochure may contain an enterprise logo (vector) and a photo of happy clients (raster) – often linked in software like InDesign or QuarkXpress (though it is also possible to pair the raster and the vector images with Illustrator and Photoshop). 

Ultimately, it reduces your development and its intent to what you are making. You must render the vector, which can be scaled accordingly and then produce whatever format you are looking for at any given time when a brand logo is used time and time again in many different media–printing, digital, television, product etching, signage, and so on. If you are going to take a photo or a nice virtual painting, you should create a raster that can make complex color mixes and imitate natural light qualities.  Whether your project calls for raster images or vector graphics – or both – be sure your final printed piece looks as amazing in print as it does on your computer screen with Cre8iveSkill

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/raster-or-vector-whats-the-deal

How can you use it in your industry for maximum benefits | Cre8iveSkill

How can you use it in your industry for maximum benefits - Cre8iveSkill

Vector design is the backbone of most digital art and graphics because it’s scalable and doesn’t lose quality when zoomed in or out. It means that no matter what industry you’re in, whether you’re an interior designer, advertising agency, or fashion designer, vector designs can be used to help promote your business to unimaginable extents.

Vector designs are a great way to add some graphics and communicate ideas in an easy-to-understand format. But, how can you use vector design in your industry for maximum benefits?

This blog post will share the basics of vector design and what it means for your business. We at Cre8iveSkill will help you discover how to use vector designs for your business.

We’ll also share some examples of different industries that have used this strategy successfully so that you can see what’s possible!

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

What is Vector Designing?

Vector designs are a form of art that is becoming popular in the digital age. These images are created with shapes and lines instead of using paint as traditional artists do. The definition of a vector is a graphical image that can be scaled to any size without losing resolution. Vector images are created by mathematical formulas and do not use pixels as a form of measurement.

Vector graphics allow for infinite scaling, making them perfect for web graphics or logos because they don’t lose their quality when zoomed in on or blown up to larger sizes.

Vector designers can use these to create logos for your business or company and other marketing materials such as flyers, billboards, posters, car wraps, and more!

Scope of Vector Designing:

Vector designing is not just limited to graphics, though – it can be used in many different industries. For example, interior design projects often use vector artwork when designing the layout of an office space or home decorating project. Graphic designers will also often incorporate vector artwork when creating newsletters or presentations; even fashion houses have started incorporating vector designs into their clothing line!

This article will explore how you can use this art to expand your businesses and explore the new horizons of untapped potentials vector designing presents to your industry.

Why Raster Designs Are A Thing Of The Past? 

Designing a logo requires creativity and attention to detail. Over the years, designers have had to change their methods due to advancements in technology that made it easier for them to create designs and logos themselves.

Cre8iveSkill has been in the print industry for years and has seen just about every type of design there is. In the era of digital design, we have seen that people are now being introduced to new ways of designing with ease. Raster designs and images have now been superseded as designers have long begun to use vector graphics more and more.

Raster to vector conversion is now leading from the front. Let’s look at what raster images are and why they became obsolete in your field.

Raster designs lost their popularity for two significant reasons:
1) You cannot scale your images without losing quality. Images are significantly disrupted due to enlargement.
2) Raster graphics take up much more storage space than vectors do.

Raster designs also became less and less popular with time because editing and designing them was a hectic and cumbersome task. Like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, modern computer programs allow you to make changes much more quickly than before, which means you don’t need as much patience or skill as an artist.

With the rise in popularity of computer-aided design (CAD), raster designs and images have begun falling out of favor. Vector graphics offer significantly higher quality than rasters while maintaining a high-level detail unmatched by most other types or formats.

Raster designs are a thing of the past because they’re outdated, difficult to use, and don’t meet today’s customer needs. They’re hard on the eyes too! On the other hand, Vector graphics are easier to edit and scale up or down while maintaining quality. For these reasons, many designers have switched over to vector-based solutions for new projects. 

How Can Vector Designs Create Impact in Industries?

How can vector designs created impact

Vector designs can be used to create an impact in almost every industry there is. Healthcare, education, fashion, entertainment, and tourism, etc. you name it. With the increase in technology, vector graphics have become more popular than ever before. They are an excellent way for businesses to showcase their products or services with minimal cost. Not only that, but they can also change how people perceive your company or organization by making it look professional and high-end.

Vector designs are all about creativity! There is no limit to what you can design using vectors because there is no worry about resolution size like when working with images. Vector graphics allow you to edit the image without losing quality or clarity, which means that your design will always be sharp and crisp on any screen size!

Vector designs are an excellent way to create an impact for your company. They have the power to take any design and make it stand out. Vector design is a graphic art that uses geometrical shapes, lines, curves, or points on computer screens, tablets, or other electronic devices to form images.

Vector graphics can be found in many industries, including print media, web designing, and video game development. Vector art is a modern tool in advertising that can be used to create eye-catching visuals.

If you’re looking for a solution that will help your business stand out from the crowd then, vector designs may be what you need!

Vector Images vs. Raster Images:

Raster to vector images

Vector art is a type of computer graphic that represents images as mathematical objects rather than pixels. The photos are mostly vectorized using an image illustrator.

On the other hand, raster images are created using horizontal rows and vertical columns of tiny, rectangular pixels. Pixels are arranged in a grid formation to represent each part of the raster image.

The pixelation of the raster images significantly reduces the quality of the pictures when they are enlarged.

So the main takeaway here is that there are numerous benefits of using digital art vectors compared to digital art rasters.

The main benefit of vector art is the ease of editing the artwork and changing it. Still, there are other benefits like not having to worry about file size for your final product because it’s scalable and vector-based, compatible with all devices (mobile included). Your work will always look great no matter what device people use to view it on, saving time by not having to create multiple versions of artwork for different screens and devices.

Untapped Vector Art Service Potential for Different Industries 

Vector art is one of the fastest-growing graphics services, and it’s no wonder. Vector artists can provide high-quality images that can be scaled up or down without losing image clarity.

That makes vector graphic designs perfect for a wide range of industries from web design to graphic design and any industry that requires complex, scalable imagery such as marketing industry, textile, and apparel printing industry, or even laser-engraved illustration works.
Let’s go through a few industries to see how they incorporate vector services to scale their business to newer heights.

Value Addition On Apparel And Textiles:

With the advent of digital vector art and technological advances that allow for more precise placement of images on fabric, textile companies are increasingly choosing vector images for digital and screen printing.

Vector art has become a popular form for designers to draw their designs because it allows them to produce high-quality graphics without sacrificing detail or clarity. This increased popularity has led many textile printers to increase their use of vector art to keep up with demand from clients who want high-quality prints at an affordable price point.

Designs are becoming more intricate and detailed. The use of vector art in digital and screen printing is a way to create designs that are scalable without distortion. Hence, the vector images can be printed on the apparel without any loss in clarity & quality. Vector art provides an accurate reproduction, which means no tears or distortion when printed on fabric. Vectors also allow designers to change color without worrying about gradients or half-tone effects.

Vector images provide higher quality prints than raster images. They are also more convenient because they do not need to convert from one format to another like most image files. Vector art also helps save money by reducing the need for additional work after screen printing because there’s less ink required when using this type of graphics.

Marketing Companies:

 Vector art has been around for decades, but it’s only recently begun to be used in marketing and advertisements. With the advent of digital art, vector graphics have become more popular than ever before.

That is because they are easily customizable, scalable, and versatile, making them an excellent choice for promotional printing work where you need your designs to look professional yet unique.

Vector artwork has many benefits for marketers, advertisers, promotional product suppliers, and printing companies. For starters, vector art is more cost-effective than photography because it uses less ink; this means that you can get more designs out of your budget. Vector graphics also allow designers to scale their designs without losing quality. This advantage benefits billboard advertisements a lot. Vector art also allows you to resize your image with ease, so it’s perfect for anyone who wants their designs to fit in every possible space they might have available, such as for car wraps and signboards.

Finally, vector images are easier to edit than photographs or other images, making them ideal for digital advertising campaigns, promotional products, and billboards since they can be changed depending on what the marketer needs next!

Laser Engravings: 

Vector graphics are made up of lines, curves, and dots instead of pixels like in traditional bitmap images (like jpg). These lines can be moved infinitely without resolution loss or pixelation, so vector graphic files are typically smaller than their raster equivalents.

Those unique qualities make them perfect for laser engraving on wood, glass, or even metal.

Vector art is a great way to get your company logo or design engraved on various materials. There are many advantages to using vector graphics instead of other image formats such as JPGs and PNGs when it comes time for cutting or engraving designs on materials with a laser machine. Clarity, top-notch quality, and scalability are among the top benefits.

Embroidery Digitizing:

 As the world changes, so do the need for modern-day embroidery digitizing. Many people are looking for a more cost-effective and efficient method of digitizing their designs. One way to do this is by using vector art in conjunction with traditional forms of embroidery digitization.

Vector art allows you to auto-fill intricate designs with stitches without manually adding stitches out on the image, which means you can get your design digitized faster and cheaper! Embroidery digitizing companies use vector art for automatic stitching processes, with the auto-filling embroidery stitch tools to the object cleanly and clearly.

Vector art is all about computer-generated images that contain information on shape, color, line width, texture, etc., which allows for crisp lines and designs. They also save your time because vector graphics don’t have to be manually drawn or colored by hand, unlike traditional embroidery digitizing.

Enhance Your Creativity with Cre8iveSkill

Enhance your creativity with crea8iveskill

You don’t have to go elsewhere or search on Google to know how we have been revolutionizing vector art services for decades, 25 years to be exact.With very few players in the market, we have emerged to being the pioneers of this beautiful industry with consistency, expertise and customer acknowledgment..

You know, vector artwork is fascinating because it allows for so much creativity. The best part about us here at Cre8iveSkill is that we have mastered this art. We have honed our skills to show you the creativity of unimaginable levels, something that you may never have seen before.

Cre8iveSkill offers several solutions for converting your drawings into high-quality vector images. With our software tools, top-notch expertise, state-of-the-art machinery, and quick turnaround time, you can get your design out there in no time!
I know it’s hard to believe; we are actually really that good. Want to know even more? Check out our website, place your order and decide it for yourself.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/how-can-you-use-it-in-your-industry-for-maximum-benefits

Tips For Raster To Vector Conversion Designs By Cre8iveSkill

Why You Should Spend More Time Thinking About Raster to Vector Conversion Get a Tips by Cre8iveskill

In the world of embroidery digitization that is prospering each day, raster to vector conversion plays an integral role in the growing need for personalized and customized embroidery designs. The conversion is known as vectorization that defines a process of converting a raster image, photograph, or a piece of drawing to vector images in various formats like DXF, EPS, SVG, EMF, and AI. These formats then become computer-ready images with a perfect structure and form with mathematical curves and gradients representing the edges and filled areas of the original image. The final converted image can then be put to use to any designing software without the loss of quality while enhancing the artistic value of the original image on the output source.


When the same technique is brought for embroidery digitization, there come endless possibilities to create customized embroidery designs and inspiring pieces of silhouette and accessories through screen printing, engraving, and laser etching. When you have a vector image with you, it becomes easy and efficient to create any design with added elements of embellishments and appeal before actually placing the same original design to a piece of fabric. You can even give a 3-d effect to a mere two-dimensional drawing on a paper. Also to mention that when working to get the most inspiring piece of logo design and monogram embroidery, vector images are easier to edit and can be used in various texts and sizes. “Wild Imagination, Thoughtful Innovation, and Passionate Creation” here becomes a trademark.

Let us now understand the raster and vector image, before actually switching over to the actual process of conversion.

  • Raster Images: These are resolution-dependent images made of pixels or tiny squares of colors. These are supported by almost all web browsers and image editors. Raster images on a zoom mode display are broken pixels giving a blurred look to the image.
  • Vector Images: These are resolution-independent images of high quality used by various industry verticals like embroidery, graphic design, and engineering. These images when on a zoom mode multiply the size of their design paths. This, in turn, gives the perfect image appeal in changeable sizes.

Now, let us learn some important tips to keep in mind for image vectorization while undergoing any embroidery artwork:

image to vector conversion-Cre8iveSkill
  • The source of the raster file format plays an integral role. There are a bunch of raster images but only a few are easier to convert like the TIFF format. When it comes to converting the popular JPEG format, there is always a quality issue.
  • You can undergo the conversion process easily by manual tracing or using automatic mode through various image editing software like Illustrator, Scan2CAD, and Photoshop while Scan2CAD being the top choice for industry professionals.
  • You should also be considerate about the vector file format you looking for. Not every vector format is beneficial for all purposes. For embroidery digitization, the most common vector file formats include
  • In the process of conversion, some sort of rasterization at a certain level of embroidery digitizing also makes a difference. This is because it works to make the image suitable to have some artistic effects.
  • You can easily eliminate unwanted areas, reduce or increase curvature, and preserve sharpness while playing hit and trial with vectorization parameters like sharpness, area, and accuracy.
  • Remember, when you talk about image vectorization, it includes many components of vector artwork like vector tracing, image masking, background editing, image enhancements, logo redraw, adding watermarks, color corrections, and color separation in accordance to custom embroidery orders also comes into consideration.

Here are some important tools for raster to vector conversion used in the field of embroidery digitization:

  • Vextractor
  • Vector Magic
  • Scan2CAD
  • Illustrator
  • Inkscape
  • CorelDraw

To conclude, there are many other tools that work miracles for the vectorization process. Still, many more are on their way to make up to the top list of computer-aided software for embroidery digitization with the ever-expanding and constantly evolving industry.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/raster-to-vector-art-conversion-get-tips-by-cre8iveskill

How to Manage Upscaling Raster Image to Vector Art Conversion By Cre8iveskill

How to Manage Upscaling Raster Image to Vector Graphics

Graphics and fashion are inter-dependant and the more we explore, the more we develop. Fashion trends have tremendously evolved in recent years. People nowadays are not just browsing through the markets but wish to participate actively in setting a unique fashion statement. However, the lack of technical know-how becomes a barrier.

How about designing a customized garment embedding your favorite character’s image? Exciting, isn’t it? Although the idea sounds great, it is not as easy as finding an image and using it. This involves a level of expertise, technical software, and image editing skills.


Raster to vector conversion

We have a flood of images on the internet and around us in various formats, most of those being raster images. Raster images are grids of pixels with certain color values and are resolution-dependent that tend to blur when scaled to higher resolutions. Therefore, to be useful in creating customized graphics for screen print production, laser etching on a wide range of products, or designing your own brand, a raster image must be converted to a vector image. Vector images are resolution-independent mathematical curves that have filled areas and can be magnified to any extent without being distorted.

Technology has made raster to vector art conversion easy, quick, and affordable. Vectorization of images ensures that you have images that can be upscaled to the required level of zoom without harming the quality of the original image. Moreover, you have the choice of colors, backgrounds, and other enhancements.


PROCESS OF CONVERSION-raster to vector

Conversion of a raster image to a vector image can be done manually as well as automatically. Manual conversion is obviously time-consuming. On the other hand, programs that automate the whole process to deliver the output are more efficient and save both times as well as effort. Generally, sophisticated software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Corel Draw are used to recreate high-quality vectorized images from the raster graphic images. This automated software derives different results based on the system settings and quality of bitmap image input and algorithms. It requires technical experts to clear the stray marks, fill in areas in the scanned images, and make them usable for the vectorization process. Selection of automation software for converting raster images to vector images depends on certain factors:

  • Predominant shapes in the image
  • Number of colors in the image

Certain vectorization programs allow only straight lines (i.e. vertical or horizontal) while some allow a combination of line recognition and outline shapes. Additionally, these programs tend to group pixels of the same colors into their outlined shapes or require color quantization which demands to restrict the use of fewer than 256 colors for the vectorized image. The end result i.e. a vector image needs further enhancement to smoothen the edges and closely resemble its raster counterpart. Vectorization is a complex process that includes technical expertise and skill. Although there are programs available online that instantly provide you with a vector image from your input, you may need technical expertise to adjust the tones, edit background elements, enhance visibility, sharpen points, and fill-in minute spaces which will provide a professional tone to your image.

Conversion of your raster artwork to finished, production-ready images is our job and we have a team of experienced professionals who vector your imagination to perfection. Cre8iveSkill is teamed-up with the right professionals for the job. We ensure quality and keep up with your expectations and customization requirements. Contact us at +91-91300 10350 or write to us on info@cre8iveskill.com and we will be glad to serve you.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/how-to-manage-upscaling-raster-image-to-vector-graphics

Vector For Printing Services | vector tracing | Cre8iveSkill

Vector Tracing Service - How To Choose The Best One

Digital art is transforming the world by leveraging powerful technology. It is tempting, it is aesthetically pleasing, and most importantly, it gives you options. Options to save time, alter the designs with just a few clicks and create affordability. Amongst such ventures of digital art, vector tracing is the one that is gaining considerable traction. Vector images are getting pretty significant in use, especially in the embroidery and print segment of the fashion industry, precisely why you may require the vector tracing service to convert logos or pictures from bitmap formats into vector formats.

What Makes Vector Images Unique?

There are two common types of image files: vector images and raster images. The primary difference between the two is that raster images use small dots or pixels to construct a picture, while vector images use lines, curves, and shapes to draw a picture.

You will not see much of a difference between a raster image and a vector image of the same at a smaller size. The dissimilarity becomes apparent when you increase the image size. The raster image will become blurry, losing both quality and pixelation.

A vector image, however, does not regress with magnification or image enlargement. This stand-out feature of vector images has what made them so unique and famous. 

What is Vector Tracing?

The raster to vector conversion of the images is carried out through vector tracing.

Vector Tracing is a digital photo editing technique that works on image tracing. It converts the raster images in bitmap formats (.JPG, PNG, etc.) into Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG). Photo editing tools like Coral Draw or Adobe Illustrator use mathematical algorithms to draw vector images. Vector images look sharp and clear in any scaled size, triumphing over the bitmap formats that get pixelated and distorted when magnified. 

Vector Tracing Services in Fashion Industry

This advantage makes vector images the ultimate designing choice in the fashion industry. Vector images can not only be used as logos and wallpapers; you can also print them on clothes as stickers and image labels. Just hand over your favorite and personalized pictures to trace to the vector tracing service of your choice and put the crispness of the images to good use.

Vector Art In Printing Services

Vector tracing services are required for several printing methods like Screen Printing, Direct-to-Garment Printing, Direct-to-Film Printing, Sublimation Printing, and Reactive Printing are a few examples. Vector art is also used for Laser Engravings due to its higher quality. 

Let us get to know why vector art is crucial for these procedures.

• Laser Engraving: It is a practice of using lasers for etching a design or image on a solid surface like leather, glass, metal, or even textile materials. In the fashion industry, vector art in Laser Engraving is preferred if thin lines are engraved on the apparel. It is also faster than raster image engraving.

• Reactive Printing: This method uses reactive dyes and steam to print permanent designs on the fabric. Reactive printing using vector images is ideal when the images are complex, and lines and curves are sharper. 

• Direct-to-Garment & Direct-to-Film Printing: The main difference between DTG & DTF is that in DTG, the design is printed directly onto the fabric. While in DTF, the image is first printed on a transparent film and then coated with an adhesive to stick it onto the textile using a heat press. 

These processes also deploy vector graphics because vector images quickly adapt to any resolution of the printing screen or the printing device.

direct to garment vector service

Sublimation Printing: Transfering a design onto a surface using ink and heat is Sublimation Printing. In this process, the image is first printed on a transfer paper, and then the fabric and the transfer paper are passed through a heat transfer machine. The image on the transfer paper is thus transferred to the material. It requires the printed image to have a high quality to get the best results. Vector images have no pixelation; hence they are the best choice.

The vector images can be printed on the apparel without any loss in clarity & quality using all such techniques. 

Top-notch creativity and skillset are required for this, which is why Cre8ive Skill has, in fact, made itself technologically advanced in the state-of-the-art machinery, quality software, and superior skills when it comes to vector tracing service.

vector service for sublimation

Why Are Good Vector Tracing Services Crucial?

vector tracing sevices

Every single thing communicates a message. Whether you are an individual or a business, you always need to convey the right message with whatever you choose. The image, colors, contrast, and quality play a key role in your brand or clothing items. You cannot risk an unprofessional image file provided by any low-quality service provider.

To get the very best out of the images or logos that you choose for vector conversion, you need someone who understands you and your requirements, all the while providing you the best value for money. Going for quality vector conversion services like Cre8ive Skill will ensure that you never regret your choice.

Which Vector Tracing Service You Should Choose?

Not everyone is determined to offer top-quality vector tracing & conversion at affordable prices in the fashion industry. Vector images are not just simple lines and curves; they require extreme attention as well.

Here comes the critical question. 

What exactly makes a vector tracing service stand out from the rest? 

Let me mention a few features that you should never ignore:

1. Experience & Expertise

That is, by default, the first and foremost requirement expected of any service. Always go for a vendor having a team with vast experience and expert graphic designers—one who prioritizes you and your satisfaction first. Vector art is a delicate and detail-oriented process. The vectorization should always be handled with care and precision., workmanship should be exceptional. And this comes with experience and expertise.

How about a service that will amaze you with accuracy, attention to detail and extraordinary artwork? Here’s Cre8ive Skill who believe in customer satisfaction more than anything else. 

Are you looking for vector design for the fashion industry? Cre8ive Skill is the way to go with our machine-friendly designs and fine detailing.

2. Quality Checks

I would love to choose a service that would take care of all my needs while ensuring the design quality of my vector images. And I guess you would too. What’s even better? The artwork going through a controlled and efficient quality check system.

Cre8ive Skill provides you with just that. A sigh of relief and peace of mind for you while the quality control department goes through your vector images several times to guarantee top-notch individuality and defect-free artwork.

3. Avoiding The Use of Auto-Tracing

Let’s try to understand what automatic image tracing is and how it differs from manual drawing first. 

There are commonly two ways to draw a vector image using image vectorizer tools like Adobe Illustrator. 

– Manual Image Trace: This technique involves drawing the vector image by hand using a mouse or a graphics pen on a tablet to trace the image.

– Auto Image Trace: Automatic tracing uses software automation to detect the lines and curves of the raster image to create a vector image. The image trace tool in Adobe Illustrator and Scan2CAD are specific examples. Inkscape trace bitmap feature is another example.

Why strictly should the automatic photo tracer be avoided? It’s because the auto trace cannot recognize the low-resolution areas of the raster image accurately. Furthermore, automatic tracing results in inferior quality vector images if the color density of the raster images is very high.

Manual tracing, on the other hand, works with images of any quality. A human can always understand better than a machine were to draw a line or a curve and what the image should represent. It is more or less 100% accurate and even works for complex illustrations or photos. 

For the reasons mentioned above, make sure that the vector tracing service you choose is vectorizing your images manually instead of just auto-tracing them. With Cre8ive Skill, you will get every vector image manually traced in vector file converter software to provide you with impeccable quality.

4. Efficient Delivery Timeframe

Make sure that your chosen vector designing vendor provides you with perfect image tracing in a reasonable timeframe. Though manual tracing takes time, it can’t be that they keep your image pending for an extended period of days or weeks.

If you want the delivery to be efficient and quick, Cre8ive Skill should be your choice. Most of the other vector tracing services have a turnaround time of 48-96 hours; cre8ive Skill, in fact, does it in 12. 

After all, who doesn’t like quality work delivered right on time?

5. Reasonable & Affordable Price

Take a look around, and you may find services offering image vectorization at the starting prices of $60 going all the way up to $135 per image. Does that sound affordable even if it ensures quality work? 

Absolutely not. 

Here’s where Cre8iveSkill comes into play. Exceptional quality, aesthetically desirable designs, manual tracing, artistic and attractive visualization, quickest turnaround, and whatnot. Top-quality service with affordable prices, all the while taking care of your unsaid needs, there’s nothing you have to worry about. Hence, with Cre8ive Skill, you are in safe hands.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/vector-tracing-service-how-to-choose-the-best-one


Cre8iveSkill| RASTER OR VECTOR? WHAT’S THE DEAL?How does the raster vary from the vector? The newbie designers, webmasters, advertising agencies and others who create and inspire artworks frequently ask this question. The distinction between raster and vector images has to be clarified. We are here to clear all the discrepancies that you have regarding the raster and vector images. We will discuss some very important points that are essential in differentiating raster from a vector image. These include:

  • What is a raster image?
  • What is a vector image?
  • How are raster and vector images different?
  • When should you use raster or vector?

Raster images are made up of individual pixels of color, also known as a bitmap. The overall image is provided by each color pixel. In contrast to pointillist images, raster images are composed of a series of painting colors. A single pixel in a raster image may be depicted by each dot in a pointillist painting. The raster pixels function in the same way, which makes for rich pixel-by-pixel editing and detail. Raster pictures1 can render multi-colored, complex visuals like soft color gradients. Digital cameras create raster images and raster images are all the pictures you see in print and online. There are various types of raster files, such as JPG, GIF and PNG, and each type of file has its own complexities. The Raster images are appropriate for photo editing, digital paint production and space compression in programs such as Photoshop and GIMP. It depends on the size and quality of a given raster image. It depends on the size and quality of a given raster image.

Quality is frequently determined by the number of pixels in an inch expressed as pixels per inch or PPI; also the overall size of the image expressed as pixels (for instance, 5,000 pixels wide by a height of 2,500 pixels). The higher the PPI and length, the higher the value. For example, most projects require a minimum of 300 ppi for printing pictures. For example, you want to print a brochure, and you need a reference photo to cover the whole interior unfolded: 8.5 “x11” At least 3.300 pixel high (11 inches) with a resolution of 300 ppi should be a 2,550-pixel wide image of your background, everything will be reduced and performance will be lost because raster images can not be increased to larger sizes. When scaled, performance is lost and is distorted as each code pixel grows or photo editing seeks to compromise by adding colored pixels. Although raster pictures can not be scale-up, they can be reduced, as is generally the case in web pictures, mostly saved in smaller sizes, and either 72 ppi or 96 ppi resolutions.


vector graphic consists of paths, each with a mathematical formulation (vector), indicating the path of how it was shaped, and what color it was bordering on or filled with. Unlike raster graphics that constitutes color pixels designed to display an image. As mathematical formulas determine the format of image processing, the presence of vector pictures remains independent of volume. They are infinitely scalable. In programs such as IllustratorCorelDraw and Inkscapevector images can be generated and edited (do not be concerned, these graphical editors are doing the math for you). Vectors can be used for photograph imitation, but are suitable for simple, solid color-purpose designs. Variable pictures contain different forms, and each form has a color of its own. Thus, a variable image can only be raster-imaged (it may be imitable, but it needs rasterizing part of the image–meaning it would not be a true vector). The vector images are composed of forms.

Real vector graphics comprises of line art, also known as vibrant wireframes. Vectors are suitable for labels, drawings, shapes, etches, brand designs, signage, and embroideries because they can be endlessly scaled without loss of quality. The vectors should not be used in digital or image edition paintings, but are suitable for projects like stickers with no images.   It must be remembered that vectors must be rastered before they can be used on the website, with the exception of SVG format.

What Is The Difference Between Raster And Vector?
1. Pixels versus math
Pixels versus math
Pixels versus math

Considering that raster images consist of colored image pixels, they can not be scaled without sacrificing quality. If you stretch a raster, the pixels get blurred. The smaller the picture is, the resolution must be less to maintain quality (pixels-per-inch). In comparison, when the vector is resized, the mathematical equations that form the basis re-establish, so you can scalify a vector graph infinitely and keep its edges straight and smooth. If you zoom in the raster and the vector you can see the difference easily; individual pixels can be seen in the raster file, but the vector is still smooth. Resolution is not an issue for vectors. Raster images are able to display a plethora of colors in one image and to edit the color beyond the image of the vector. We demonstrate intricacies at the right resolution in light and shade. Vector pictures are scalable in order to design the same image once and for all sizes, from business cards to billboards.

2. Reel or Real graphics
Reel or Real graphics
Reel or Real graphics

Although a vector may be rendered identical to an image, the minute complexities of mixed color, lighting, shadows and gradient make the true picture with vectors impossible. Although it would be feasible, it would be a very tedious process because every change of color involves a new shape. Vectors can be augmented with rasterized effects; however, it is not the same as a true vector; issues like scalability and resolution are considered. On the other hand, rasterized images are able to perfectly portray true-to-life graphics: color contrasts, colors, gradients and shadows visually are finer.

3. File type and size
File type and size
File type and size

JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, BMP, and PSD are the most common types of raster files. AI, CDR and SVG are the most common vector file types. EPS or PDF format rasters and vectors are available where the code that created the file determines whether it is a raster or vector file. Adobe IllustratorCorelDraw, and InkScape are popular vector creation and editing programs. Photoshop (with limited vector capacity) and GIMP are the most common raster editors.

Because images with raster need to contain all the necessary information (pixels, colors, pixels arrangement, etc.) for rendering the image, the bigger the file size, the higher the resolution and dimension, the bigger the file. Compression will help to reduce the size of these files, but rasters take up a lot of space compared to vectors. Why does this happen? Because vectors depend on calculations to be carried out by the programs that load them, their mathematical formulas are the only information that they require.   This table discusses some variations between the representations of the raster and the vectors, their benefit (pros), and drawbacks (cons).


The Raster images are best for pictures while logo, diagrams, gravings, gravings, etchings, creative items, signage and borders are best for vectors. If your project requires complicated color blends, such as painting, the Raster is the format preferred; if your project needs compact forms, solid colors, like drawing, the vector is the best choice for you. Many images are similar to raster images and vectors to draw. For example, a brochure may contain an enterprise logo (vector) and a photo of happy clients (raster) – often linked in software like InDesign or QuarkXpress (though it is also possible to pair the raster and the vector images with Illustrator and Photoshop).

Ultimately, it reduces your development and its intent to what you are making. You must render the vector, which can be scaled accordingly and then produce whatever format you are looking for at any given time when a brand logo is used time and time again in many different media–printing, digital, television, product etching, signage, and so on. If you are going to take a photo or a nice virtual painting, you should create a raster that can make complex color mixes and imitate natural light qualities.  Whether your project calls for raster images or vector graphics – or both – be sure your final printed piece looks as amazing in print as it does on your computer screen with Cre8iveSkill – providing online outsourcing vector art graphics to clients all around the globe.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/raster-or-vector-whats-the-deal