Mistakes that you must avoid, That New embroidery digitizers do | Cre8iveSkill

Today we are discussing 4 mistakes that new Embroidery Digitizers make & you should avoid.

Using and depending excessively on autopilot

Your skill is your strength. Automated tools are just for help so that your time and energy are saved. However, as artists, you can imagine and differentiate between objects in the designs. You can use your skill to add and subtract the specifications of a design. You can play with stitch types to create marvelous designs. Embroidery is a 3-D art. It requires playing with lights and shadows. As artists, you can and should visualize the designs to make the best out of them. Use your skill to digitize embroidery. This will not only give you better outputs but also help you learn new things.

Intimidated by the screen

The quality of the design of a digitized embroidery file depends upon how the embroidery turns out and not how it looks on the screen. When printed, the embroidery tends to shift, stretch, run in one direction, and many other things happen to the fabric. When you focus more on the design displayed on the screen and not the actual output — the embroidery, you are intimidated by it and tend to fix things that do not need attention. You might also end up creating a perfect design but the outcome could be terrible.

Not focusing on the type of stitches

Digitizing an embroidery design requires a thorough knowledge of what kind of stitches are required to make a design look perfect. It also means that you should know what kind of stitches should be avoided. If you are conscious about the type of stitches that are required for the design, you will not end up wasting stitches.

Unrealistic testing

As new digitizers, you should aim for maximum exposure to how the embroidery machine works! Often, due to a lack of hands-on experience, you end up avoiding testing your designs or do not consider essential parameters for testing. Pay attention to the parameters such as colors, color combinations, stitches, threads, and fabrics.

Now, we understand that starting something new will have you commit mistakes. Well, it is good as long as you learn from each mistake. Focus more on how things work out and what requirements are needed from your client. You can take inspiration from experts in our industry. We have incredible designs on our website that will motivate you to do your job better. Visit our website from the information in the description box below and keep learning.

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We understand that starting something new will have you commit mistakes. Well, it is good as long as you learn from each mistake. Here are 4 mistakes that you must avoid as a New Embroidery Digitizer. Stay tuned to learn more!

High Quality Custom Embroidery Digitization on Demand By Cre8iveSkill

Embroidery Digitization on Demand - Creating High-Quality Custom Embroidery

What is embroidery digitization?  A beautiful transformation of inspiring patterns and designs to computerized embroidery. The art form has taken a sudden rise with various innovations and creations incorporated in the industry. When talking about design aspirations and desires, everyone has their own set of likes and dislikes, making custom embroidery digitization most important. This then becomes an on-demand requirement for various embroidery digitizing companies that strive to fight the competition and come out of the cut-throat competition with a win-win situation. Furthermore, this paves the path for personalization of designs, patterns, and various forms of embroidery where the service provider works to bring any piece of design to life.

Man Face Embroidery

Some of the common forms of custom embroidery digitization include:

  • Monogram Embroidery: With custom embroidery, monogram embroidery has become a trend. It is beautifully done and implemented on various types of apparel like shirts, trousers, dresses, jackets, shoes, caps, and many similar pieces of fabric. It is like engraving some initials or symbols in a mesmerizing combination of thread colors to create a benchmarking piece. From simple fonts in lower or upper case to the most stylish and swirling fonts, there are many vivid and imaginative monogramming ideas that look beautiful as an embroidery artwork.
  • Customized Corporate Uniforms: Corporate uniforms are one such place where custom embroidery always takes its position. Starting from logo designing to high-quality brand name printing, corporate uniform makes its own stand with custom designs. This, in turn, play an integral role in promoting or marketing a brand. Beautifully designed embroidery on uniforms also marks a sense of ownership and pride for employees.
  • Party Attires with Inspiring Embroidery: Here again custom embroidery on demand makes a mark with a massive collection of embroidery designs and patterns available for adorning on each and every customized piece of attire. Whether a party dress, family event apparels, matching attires for siblings or wedding attire for bride and groom, embroidered products do trigger pure fascination. Weddings, family reunions, social get-togethers, and corporate events all become pleasing to the eye and heart.
  • Sports Teams with Matching Sportswear: A sports team always comes to highlight when it comes to pure business and mass production of custom embroidered digitization. Sportswear is often customized with the initials of the team, symbol of the team, or logo of the brand promoting the team in sports. Here the common products that are customized with promotional embroidery designs are jerseys, sports bags, sports kit, and pieces of equipment. However, the prospect here has its own set of restrictions when it comes to embroidery innovation.
  • Mass Production of Personalized Gifts: Personalized gifts with mass embroidery production are one of the best ways for customized embroidery. You can opt from a variety of patterns and designs while scaling mostly on local school and corporate teams. You can even target families and social communities for personalized gifts in the form of computerized embroidery designs.

There is a simple procedure that is followed to portray the design on fabric starting from a raw image to the final piece of artwork. A defined process becomes a key parameter to ensure everything falls in place with quality, precision, and detail. The process includes:

  • Simplifying all complex images to make it easily and readily available for embroidery
  • The simplified design is then put to use in the digitization software
  • Defining the stitches in the embroidery digitization software
  • Allocating the stitches with the required characterization
  • Saving the design in the applicable internal file format
  • Then defining the path of the design by modifying the specific digitizer
  • Planning the stitches in a specific sequence
  • Creating a final layout of the design
  • Implementing all processes with defined strategies to ensure flawless and quality embroidery designs

When talking about the internal file formats, there are various file formats respectively used by different software. Some of the common formats include:

  • CND
  • EMB
  • JAN
  • CSD
  • JEF
  • SEW
  • DST

After discussing the customized option available on-demand, let us get into understanding the importance of customized embroidery digitization. Some of the known advantages include:

  • The embroidery piece becomes a walking advertisement that greatly helps in marketing and promoting your brand.
  • Custom design apparels are completely unique and different from the common patterns and mark its distinctiveness in the fashion world.
  • Quality and durability of embroidered products are also better than normal designing products. The professional look and colors of the embroidery design always retain its freshness, uniqueness, and elegance.

Delivering high-quality custom embroidery designs with affordable embroidery digitization is what we at Cre8iveSkill have always been doing while executing the personalization needs of different customers with expert digitization skills. With so many options of customization options, we strive to fulfill the demands of all our clients with stringent control on timely deliveries even under high-pressure deadlines.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/embroidery-digitization-on-demand-creating-high-quality-custom-embroidery

Factors That Make Custom Embroidery Digitizing So Important | Cre8iveSkill

Factors That Make Custom Embroidery Digitizing So Important

The wave of digitization has traveled a long and deep pathway in the field of the garment industry. From the ancient human where clothes were just a means of covering the external appearance to the present-day digital world where apparels have become an epitome of status, style, and elegance, digitization has brought a massive and significant transformation. The same goes true for embroidery that was a beautifully handmade art during its inception and now a trademark for custom embroidery designs through computerized embroidery known to deliver elegant and inspiring masterpieces. Here are the 3 key factors that contribute to the growing importance of custom embroidery digitization:

  • Individuality: Custom designs always carry their own style, elegance, and attitude with the freshness and uniqueness of its elements and color combination.
  • Quality: With embroidery digitizing, custom orders are known to be tagged with high standards of quality because every stage of the designing element is put under strict quality measures and guidelines to reach the maximum level of customer satisfaction.
  • DurabilityCustom embroidery digitizing with eye-catching designs and trendy style takes into account the quality of the embroidery design in a way that lasts long even under extreme weather conditions.

 These 3 factors are based on the following parameters:

1 Allocation of Stitches: The allocation of stitches takes place in accordance with the embroidery designs. The initial step for allocating is to understand the underlay stitches that define the process of creating a base on the fabric for all upper-layer stitches to fall down smoothly and flawlessly. It is just like creating a canvas on fabric to design a masterpiece. It is of utmost importance to have a defined structure for underlay and upper layer stitches. Even a slight inefficiency in creating the underlay stitches can cause to make the empty space of the fabric visible.

Allocation of Stitches embroidery

2 Types of Stitches: There are mainly three types of stitches that fill the design elements depending on the chosen image and design. The three stitches include:

  • Satin
Satin Stitch-cre8iveskill
  • Fill
  • Run

The starting and stopping point along with the direction of each stitch plays an equally important role in digitizing. Experience and expertise in the field are best judged when a flow of design becomes pleasing to the eye with the right selection of stitches implanted in the right combination and direction.  

3 Understanding Push and Pull effect: Understanding the push and pull effect is of great importance as this defines the intricacy and final finish of the embroidery design. During the embroidery digitizing, be it monogramming, appliqué work, or logo digitizing, fabric often tends to move from the place, and then the digitizer pulls it back to compensate for the stitch that often shifts from its place during the pull. This compensation if not done thoughtfully and precisely makes the final design look untidy and unappealing.

Selection of Fabric

The selection of fabric is important because there is a direct connection between the density of the fabric and the type of stitch to be used on the same. It is always a joy to do embroidery on light and low-density fabrics like cotton and silk but when it comes to creating inspiring designs on heavy fabrics like denim, the task becomes tedious and challenging. Hence, there should be expertise to choose the right fabric for the chosen stitch. Still, if it is required to undergo an impossible stitch on high-density fabrics, none can perform it better than professional digitizers delivering quality embroidery digitizing services, who behold the expertise to adjust the design elements with the density of the stitch and density of the fabric. 

There are many machines and software available for embroidery digitization. Some of the known machines are fabric inspection, profile cutting, fabric auto layering, waistband, welt pocket machines, and pocket facing. Moreover, the choice of software for computerized embroidery includes Wilcom E3, Brother PE, Embrilliance StitchArtist, and Embrid. The right selection of machines and software is the best way to deliver an assurance of quality and durability of the final output.

To conclude, custom embroidery meticulously following these parameters of designing is more in trend these days because of the prominence it delivers to the fashion world through its extraordinary quality, long-lasting durability, and a fresh breath of uniqueness to every piece of embroidered product.

An outsourced embroidery digitizing service agency can easily help you with this kind of output on almost any surface. This might sound very simple, but there are many techniques and methods that you should pay attention to when working on digitizing embroidery designs.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/factors-that-make-custom-embroidery-digitizing-so-important

Computerized Embroidery: Marrying Fabric with Designs | Cre8iveSkill

Customized apparel with computerised embroidery adds a personal touch to the apparel and are widely used in brand promotions. But have you ever wondered why some embroideries look appealing while some are clear rejects? Well, there is a lot that has to be understood and mastered before considering computerised embroidery projects.

Back then, when embroidery was a manual task, it gained immense popularity due to the magical thread-work and elegant appearance. Hand embroidery required skilled manpower and a lot of time to accomplish projects. Computerised embroidery is the evolution of hand embroidery that led to a drastic transformation in the way embroidery is done. Although the basics are the same, simple hand-held tools have been replaced by technologically advanced machines and therefore more details have to be observed in order to create embroidery designs that look clean and attractive.

Custom embroidery digitization has made embroidering on apparel really quick and easy. But not all that looks excellent on computers and papers will look elegant on fabric. In order to design an appealing, neat and unique embroidery on apparel, one needs to bring the right materials together. The fabric, needle, thread, design, machine software, and the design file format – all must be in a compatible form to bring out a masterpiece.  

How does the choice of fabric impact your embroidery design?

The choice of fabrics greatly affects the embroidery designs and their entire appearance. Fabrics like cotton and performance fabrics are incapable of holding embroidery stitches well whereas those like types of denim, Polos, and most knits deliver great results. The reason is that lighter fabrics develop wrinkles after a single wash and thick fabrics strongly adhere to the embroidery stitches and let the design remain neatly in place even after frequent washes.

Important tips for embroidering on different fabrics

CANVAS – When you have to embroider on caps, t-shirts, bags and other apparel, the canvas is a great fabric option. Experts suggest shrinking the canvas before embroidering to ensure the design remains the same even after multiple washes.

FLEECE – Fleece is the best choice for embroidering on jackets, vests, and pullovers. It is important to select high-quality fleece as low-quality fleece tends to stretch or move during the process and may ruin your design. Use a medium-weight cutaway stabilizer and spray adhesive on it to create a stable support for embroidering as the polyester component in fleece makes it slippery and stretchy.

JERSEY – This is an all-time favorite of embroiders as it produces elegant, high-quality embroidery pieces that look beautiful and incorporate nature into the apparel. Jersey knits are stretchy and thin which requires the use of cutaway stabilizers in order to ensure firm support during the process. Using a stabilizer also makes sure that your embroidery remains intact in its original shape and color after several washes and uses. It is advisable to use a no-show mesh stabilizer as jersey knits are sheer in nature. Also, to avoid wrinkling of the material it is important to spray an adhesive on the stabilizer that strengthens the bond. You can also use fusible or adhesive-backed cutaway instead of the spray.

MICROFIBERS – When embroidering on microfibers, make sure to wash and dry it before use. It is a synthetic material and is finer than human hair. Therefore, it is often blended with nylon/polyester that results in the stretchy nature of Microfiber. Experts recommend using a medium weight cutaway stabilizer to offer a strong, stable base for embroidery stitching.

MICRO PIQUE – Mostly used for athletic wear, Micro pique fabric is a great choice for embroidery designs on polo shirts. To ensure a neatly embroidered design that sustains several washes, it is important to use a soft cutaway stabilizer along with an air erasable fabric pen for designing.

Like all successful marriages, there needs to be a strong sense of compatibility between the chosen fabric and the allocated design. Each has characteristics and intended purpose and specific details that need to be considered. Therefore, before implementing, one should ask (or us) the following questions to ensure the best results and optimum satisfaction with the results:

  • Will the design’s stitch density change the hand of the fabric? If so, does this pose a challenge or obstacle?
  • How will the fabric’s color, weight, and texture influence the design?
  • By using backing or topping, could you achieve a better result?
  • Can this fabric be used in digitized embroidery and is it sustainable?
  • Does the fabric gather or could the drape be affected by the embroidery?
  • Is there an alternate fabric that can be used that would provide better results?
  • Would you recommend using a different embroidery technique?

Fabric is the base of your embroidery and other equipment perform on the base. So, it is important to select the right embroidery equipment and most importantly the fabric while creating embroidery designs. Customized embroidery designing is a platform that gives creative embroiders an opportunity to experiment and create amazing embroidery pieces. We, at Cre8iveSkills, empower such digital embroiders and with highly advanced machinery we undertake embroidery projects and have set a record of delivering projects within a turnaround time of 12 hours. For further inquiries, contact us on +91-91300 10350.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/computerised-embroidery-marrying-fabric-with-designs

Why Embroidery Design Is a Necessity Now By Cre8iveskill

Digitization is a term which we hear about the most but have we seldom know what it means. A lot of people will say it is a process of converting information into digital format but is this enough to be known? No, there are many facts about digitization which are yet to be discovered. Today, I will throw some light on the same so that you all can relate it to your definition and enlighten yourself and others too! Digitization can not only convert your documents but also information in the form of audio or image to digital. It is in short analog to digital conversion.

Why Embroidery Digitization? Before using anything we always ask ourselves, WHY? Let’s find out!

Clearing the Clutter: A brand, whether small or big has much digital work which is needed by it from time to time and hence they hire different people to the job like graphic designersdigitizers’quality checkers, etc. which puts a load on the brand and also disturbs the finances. This graphic design solutions and digitization can be provided by various firms that specialize in providing off-shoring services to customers around the globe. Time-Saving: Digitization not only saves the load of an extra employee but also saves time. Services like Vector Art Graphics, Digitized logos, and various embroideries can be done within the turn-around time of 12 hours. Off-shoring digitization services are also provided online. The brand can directly upload the .jpeg file at the website and can get it digitized with the comfort of their workplace.

Secured: Firms providing digitizing services keep the received documents confidential and do not give out any related information so that the designs are kept authentic. Firms like Cre8iveSkill with 20+ years of experience in digitization are well aware of customers’ urgencies, security requirements, and the need for high-quality online digitizationEnvironment Friendly: There are many documents whose physical copy is not required. By switching to digitization, we can minimize the paper wastage and cutting of trees which eventually causes deforestation and imbalances the eco-cycle.


Cre8iveskill provides online embroidery digitizing services and vector art graphic solutions, with a team of highly skilled embroidery digitizers’ and graphic designers, to clients all over the world. It specializes in logo digitization3D puff embroiderycolor blendingapplique embroideryembroideries for bridal wear, and home furnishing with facilities like Chenille, Cording, and Sequin using best in business software like Wilcom E3Please visit Cre8iveskill’s and Get a Quote Now! Cre8iveskill is an umbrella of services that provide vector graphic solutionsembroidery digitizingcomputerized embroidery, and contract garment manufacturing.

The firm is well aware of the deadlines and guarantees for the best quality is provided at competitive pricing with a 12-hour turnaround time. They put their heart and soul and work round the clock to provide you with the best of services. I would like to conclude this blog with what I think firms should do to reduce their stress and the stress we put on the mother earth by not digitizing our work. Digitization is a great alternative to everything.

“Think Digital, Be Digital, and Encourage Being Digital.”

Contact Now Cre8iveskill Email Id: info@cre8iveskill.com Phone No.:+91-9130010350 Skype ID: debashish.g1971

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/why-digitization-is-a-necessity-now

How To Start Wedding Theme with Fabrics and Embroidery Design By Cre8iveskill

Bridal appearances are truly special. Brides-to-be long for their special day and desire to be clad in a unique, elegant bridal outfit that is exclusively designed with grace and is comfortable too. The choice of a bridal outfit is, therefore, a difficult task with so many details to be worked out.

Designer bridal dresses are a work of extreme precision lined with the latest fashion trends. Unlike the traditional silks and georgettes, cotton fabric has gained immense popularity among the designers as a choice for comfortable bridal wear. Embroidery designs have been fascinating dress designers and incorporating them into bridal gown designs is quite common. Since ages, the embroidered fabric has been decorating the wedding apparel and has evolved greatly since then. Embroidering is an art that has traveled from hands to machines only to be more attractive. In recent years, custom embroidery digitization has made it possible for people to practically embroider their thoughts and ideas over apparel and other fashion accessories that fosters personal interests as well as branding. Apparently, brides take pride in weaving their imaginations with the delicate thread work on their wedding dresses.


Choose the fabric

Embroidery on bridal gowns has to be special and unique. For that special appearance on the BIG DAY, it is important to choose a fabric that brings out the best design. The choice of fabric is essential as you would not want to be dressed in a velvet gown in the scorching heat of July nor you would want to freeze by wearing a satin dress in snowy weather. Depending on the season of the year during your wedding, we have come up with a list of fabrics that you can choose.



Dotted Swiss – The lovely dotted Swiss fabric is an ultimate choice that is lightweight and breathable too. It characterizes tiny, airy dots that allow the skin to breathe while providing elegance to the outfit. This fabric is mostly used in creating wedding veils; however, many brides choose to use it in their wedding gowns in other manners too.

Rayon – Rayon doesn’t need much of an introduction as it is already popularly used. It is extremely lightweight and can be used for warmer months.

Point D’Espirit – This material resembles the Dotted Swiss in its airy, lightweight and dotted characteristics. But in appearance, it looks much like Organza and is also widely used in veils.

Organza – Organza is commonly used in the making of wedding gowns. It offers a weave pattern that incorporates fibers of other materials well. This lightweight fabric is mostly used to add layers of fullness underneath the gown while sometimes it is also used to create a fanciful look at the gown’s exterior.

Batiste – This featherweight, soft fabric is picked by many brides during the warm weather. As it is transparent, the material is used in veils and in over-lay items.

Crepe – The fabric is a little crinkly and works well in photographs. Bridal dresses look wonderful when made in crepe. Charmeuse – Offering shine and softness while being lightweight, the bride truly looks gorgeous in this fabric. Interestingly, this can be worn in spring and summer both, sometimes in the fall too.



Brocade – Nevertheless to mention, brocade has been a classic choice for elegant drapes and furniture wraps. The heavy fabric is the best choice if you are planning a wedding in the fall or winters when you need to stay warm while not missing on the elegance of your bridal gown.

Silk – This beautiful fabric is well-known and popularly used for ages. It is highly recommended to use silk for embroidering on your designer bridal dresses. Silk speaks of luxury and brings out an outstanding embroidered piece. So, why not choose it for your special day?

Faille – This is a thick, structured fabric and is widely used as a wedding gown material. The only thing you need to remember here is that it is really thick and warm. So, choosing it for summers can be the worst decision. When you need more substance to keep you warm and comfortable, this fabric is just perfect.

Pique – This honeycomb-like appearance is the most loved by brides and is a fabric that offers warmth during the snowy weather. It is also a great fabric for embroidery designs. So, if your wedding dates in the fall or winter, you should definitely pick this one up. Velvet – It is a lovely, luxurious fabric that is prominently used by designers in creating wedding apparel. The velvet gowns make a bride look as pretty as a princess while also providing extreme comfort and warmth during the freezing days of winter.

Moire – Although not commonly known or used, many brides choose it for the elegance it offers with a mixture of taffeta and silk. This fabric features a natural wavy design that looks unique.



Satin – Satin is a beautiful fabric that is a blend of nylon, silk, and even rayon. It can be used throughout the year and due to the natural sheen that the material carries, it makes it the perfect selection for a bridal gown. It also is a great fabric for embroidery.

Dupioni – It is the blending of silk that comes from two silkworms. So, the double silk fabric becomes more elegant and adjusts easily to any time of the year.

Shantung – It is undoubtedly an ultimate fabric for bridesmaids. It gives a silky yet subtle appearance that goes well with photographs. The fabric looks great on almost any body type.

Taffeta – Mainly worn in the fall, this fabric goes well at any time of the year. With its crisp nature and a smooth finish, it looks great when incorporated in wedding gown designs.

Jersey – The most affordable of the fabrics, the jersey is a comfort to wear at all times of the year. It is entirely a personal choice and can be used in bridal gowns in many ways.

Polyester – This affordable manmade fabric is made from other fabrics and can be worn throughout the year. Here, you must prefer to use woven polyester rather than a solid one as the latter might look cheap.

Illusion – Having a slight sheer that appears to be netted. You can find them in the form of an elegant neckline or sleeve. It goes well with any gown and is easily available.

Although there are many wedding gowns online, customizing one for yourself gives immense pleasure and a lifetime memory. With custom embroidery digitization, it has become very easy to create wedding apparel that you can cherish lifelong. Cre8ive Skills provides embroidery digitization on demand at affordable prices. With us, you can rest assured of having your wedding gown your way. Could you find a suitable time for a quick discussion with us? You can contact +91-91300 10350 or write to us at info@cre8iveskill.com and we’ll get back to you soon.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/how-to-start-wedding-theme-with-fabrics-and-embroidery-designs

Quick Online Embroidery Digitizing Solutions By Cre8iveskill

Advertising plays a significant role in the business cycle. There’s no better way to advertise than to use your logo and increase your brand’s awareness. As rightly said, ‘A picture speaks a thousand words’, and your business’ picture is your logo. You probably have noticed that brands such as H&M, Burger King, Reebok, Apple, Samsung, etc. never miss a chance to place their logo on their products and their staff uniforms. When needed, you can do the same and start with your staff uniform is not a bad idea. To begin with, you will need an embroiderer and a digitizer who can provide quick digitizing for uniforms. You might wonder why don’t embroiderers just take a design and begin work on it? The computer software used by digitizers to digitize the logo is a very complex software which requires years of experience to command the embroidery machine to embroider the digitized file on to the fabric. They have a language of their own and accept files in their specific language formats. The logo file you make is in standard PC format such as JPG, PNG, JPEG, etc. Embroidery machines do not recognize this format, they have formats of their own i.e. DST, EXP, PES, and so on. To get the embroidery machines working, it is important to have standard PC files digitized to embroidery machine files. Hence, the logo must be digitized before initiating the embroidery process. 

The Peeking Cat

Digitizing Can Last for a Lifetime Digitizing for embroidery is actually manually tracing the entire design using embroidery machine-friendly software that can be readable by the machine to provide the best-embroidered artwork. Yes, that’s correct! It is manual labor that requires the use of software with specific tools. It is beneficial if you choose a highly experienced firm for your digitization solutions as it is all about skills, understanding the basics and experience in a similar area of interest. Normally, those who are related to the embroidery business, or have a plethora of designs to digitize, get training for digitizing embroideries. But, if you are not related to the digitizing industry but need quick digitizing done only once, you can get it digitized from firms who provide online digitizing solutions around the globe with amazing turnaround time at competitive pricing. You don’t need to get the same design digitized every time you need embroidery done. The digitized file can be saved for a lifetime. Whenever you need embroidery done again, give your embroiderer the digitized file and get the same excellent result, even a decade later.

Choose Your Digitize with Care – Never Compromise Quality

The art of transforming any artwork or a logo into a digital stitch format with the help of software is known as embroidery digitizing.  An embroidery machine can only read a special type of file, i.e. the file created after transforming with the help of digitizing software. Since both files (provided by the customer and digitized by a digitizer), are digital files, you don’t need to carry them physically. The internet is boon, you just need to email your logo’s image to begin the work. Since it is a service that you are purchasing, every embroidery digitizing service will have its own prices. When you start searching online, you will encounter experts as well as novices. This is where you, as a customer, need to be careful when selecting a digitizer. Many inexperienced individuals claiming to be experts will agree to provide quick digitizing at very cheap rates. Always do your research before agreeing to someone because they seem unbelievably cheap. Such people won’t be striving to offer you quality, but they will only apply unreliable shortcuts to earn their meager amounts. Avoid such people at all costs. Truth be told, when you talk to a few professional digitizers, you will notice there isn’t a huge difference in charges. It is because professionals are aware of the work they have to deliver and the intricacies involved. Embroidery machines can only follow the path provided to them through the digitized files. The quality of the output depends on the quality of the digitized files.

Get Quick Digitizing From the Best Team

Cre8iveSkill houses a team of professional digitizers with almost 2 decades of experience. We have various embroidery firms and have delivered custom online embroidery digitizing with amazing quality. We are well versed with techniques on how to digitize for embroidery with perfection within the given time. Our work is appreciated by the embroiderers and customers alike because of our experience, dedication, and commitment to quality. Working in a highly competitive industry, we understand our limitations. Thus, we never overcharge nor do we change our commitments. We stick to deadlines strictly and our skilled digitizers are completely capable to handle your project with professionalism. We digitize your logo or any design of your choice for left chest, jacket back, and caps for only $1.50 / 1000 stitches. 

Get a quote here

If you are in need of quick digitizing do let us know when placing your order and we will deliver it in the shortest possible time. We don’t charge extra for rush orders. Our working style ensures you get enhanced details, no thread breakage, sharp and clear images without any material wastage. Working successfully in the industry since 1998, we have earned our position through hard work and the ability to meet deadlines. We also convert images to vectors and our prices are unbelievably low. We are a team of multifaceted professionals comprising of embroidery digitizers, graphic designers, IT experts, and illustrators. The quality we set up in our work speaks for itself and it is the only reason we have been able to keep our heads high with pride. We look forward to serving you and prove why we are the best in the industry. To know more about Cre8iveSkillclick here.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/quick-online-embroidery-digitizing-solutions-by-cre8iveskill

Top Five Benefits of Opting For Digital Embroidery Digitizing By Cre8iveskill

Embroidery nowadays is influenced and driven by digitization or computerized embroidery using custom designs and patterns. Making the process easy, convenient, time-efficient, and precise, this works meticulously to create inspiring embroidered products like apparels, fashion accessories, home décor items, and promotional products.

Here are the top five advantages of opting for digital embroidery:  

Quick Turnaround TimeWhen you opt for digital embroidery, the process takes place at a very fast course of time. Whatever be the design, whatever is the fabric, computerized embroidery is a pathway to handle multiple orders simultaneously and that too with quality and accuracy within the promised time period. The speed of the machine varies depending on the type of machine-like 9 needle machine, 12 head machine, and 172 heads.  

Quick Turnaround Time

High Quality and Accuracy: Since the time embroidery artwork has been digitized, the level of quality and accuracy has gone far beyond our expectations of design finish. The final output looks more appealing and soothing to eyes with every cut, every line, every curve, and every edge with smoothness and sharpness. However, a little bit of supervision and expertise in placing an accurate design is required to get a flawless output.  

High Quality and Accuracy

Efficient Prototyping: After the design gets loaded to the computer software and becomes computer-ready, it can be saved and used multiple times to create an endless number of prototypes with the same level of integrity, accuracy, and quality. This, in turn, becomes more rewarding and practical as well to create mass embroidery digitization.

Efficient Prototyping

Ideation: New and innovative ideas and a wide spectrum of varieties for embroidery designs that are easy to envision and convenient to create become the key benefit. With a single innovative design there comes an option to multiply the design output with the same feel or with added curvature, elements, or dimensions.    


Ease of Use: Working on a computer to give life and energy to your design masterpiece is no rocket science. All that is required is a simple instruction manual that anyone can easily follow and put the design on any piece of fabric or canvas. However, creativity does need expertise and experience but once the design is ready, rest all can be easily and conveniently managed through software designed for custom embroidery digitization.    

Ease of Use

To conclude, digitization kick starts a new journey for embroidery and is on the verge of surpassing its own defined fashion boundaries with the enormous benefits to enjoy and create stunning masterpieces.

Sourse: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/top-five-benefits-of-opting-for-digital-embroidery

How to Digitize a Logo for Embroidery Digitizing Steps By Cre8iveskill

How to Digitize a Logo for Embroidery- Step by Step Digitizing

Logo digitization is a process of converting the existing logo or brand icon into a stitch file that can be transferred to a fabric through means of embroidery. The basic principle of digitizing involves the use of the logo in JPG or PNG format so that the machine can understand it and then transfer the same to digitization software for machine embroidery.

Now, before actually understanding the step by step digitization process, let us get into understanding the essentials that define and shape the process of logo digitization.

File Formats Accepted by Embroidery Software and Machines

When it comes to digitizing, there are many file types that are readable and accepted by machines. Some of these formats include:

  • DST
  • EXP
  • JEF
  • KWK
  • DSB
  • TAP

Types of Stitches Used for Machine Embroidery

  • Straight Stitches: These are stitches for making straight lines and curved shapes with major use in shading, outlining, and detail work.
  • Satin Stitches: These are commonly used for writing the text, designing the logo, or for the borders with a view to give a shiny appearance to the final outcome.
  • Fill Stitches: These are used for filling up the blank spaces in a piece of cloth and majorly put into the process to create a textured look and deliver increased durability.

Types of Digital Embroidery Used for Commercial Purposes

To apply the logo to any piece of garment, the following types of commercial embroidery are put to use.

  • Standard Embroidery: The name itself defines a standardized approach to customizing the process and outcome of logo digitization.
  • 3D Puff Embroidery: This type of embroidery for digitization helps achieve a textured element to the logo or emblem of your brand with a dimensional depth and elegant feel.
  • Laser Embroidery: This is a layered form of embroidery where the logo place is confirmed and the material is pushed inside the machine so that the laser technology designs the desired pattern without the use of any stitching.
  • Patch Embroidery: This form of embroidery is most simple with the fabric being stapled with the logo and then placed on the desired garment using various embroidery designs and patterns.

Step by Step Logo Digitizing Process

Now, when we are aware of the essentials, let us get into understanding the process to digitize a logo for embroidery.

Step 1: The first step is to upload the logo of your brand to the embroidery digitizing software. The uploaded file should be in machine-readable formats like JPG and PNG and then crop the irrelevant spaces to upload the exact requirements to the software.

Step 2: Once you have uploaded the logo, set the dimension of your logo design as you want it to be on your product. This dimension will be the final size of the logo placed on the garment.

Step 3: Now, choose the stitch type like a straight stitch, fill stitch, or satin stitch in response to the kind of stitching you looking to have for your logo. Each type of stitch has its own set of parameters, feel, and length that defines the final appearance of the design.

Step 4: After selecting the type of stitch, the next step is to set the direction of the chosen stitch. This defines in which direction the stitch should be falling on the garment.

Step 5: After all the major parameters are selected, it is time to select the color combination of the threads to be used for logo digitization. The thread colors should fall aligned with the colors on the logo.

Step 6: Now, the file is ready to get transferred to the embroidery machine using a flashcard, USB cable, or any other means of transferring to the computer running the embroidery digitization software.

Step 7: The next step is to prepare the machine for the process of logo digitizing for embroidery. This step includes deciding on the needles, threads, sequence, and orientation. After setting the guidelines for the machine it is important to position the fabric in the actual loop for embroidery.

Step 8: The last step is to test while embroidering a sample and see how it comes and how does it appear on the fabric. Check for all the pre-mentioned guidelines concerning colors, position, orientation, sequence, stitch, and other design elements.

Step 9: Now, take the final step of creating the logo on the desired piece of fabric while accomplishing the process in the most fruitful manner.

Now, the digitized logo is all set to be delivered with the most inspiring look and feel of promoting your brand in an innovative way.


The Evolution Of The Embroidery Modern Industry By Cre8iveskill

In earlier times, the embroidery was a hobby or leisure activity for women, who wanted to show their creativity on their apparel or home decor. It required drawing skills, imagination, and a good steady hand for finesse in embroidery. Not everybody would have artistic talent and so only a few could pursue this form of art. 

 With advancements in technology and the beginning of the computer era, the field of embroidery has changed leaps and bounds. Sewing machine companies added advancement to their technologies and came out with combination machines in the market. These machines had the ability to sew as well as stitch special stitches which could be used to embellish garments as well.  But with the computers, invading and enhancing, productivity in all fields, embroidery too, got more and more sophisticated. In today’s day, we have embroidery machines which are stand-alone special-purpose computing machines, capable of embroidering widely different areas, with one or more needles at thousand stitches per minute capacity and picture-perfect clarity effect.  

  Image source: DOMESTIKA

With sophisticated machines costing a fortune, people started looking for more products to make the business viable. With the evolution of designs and machines, we further moved on to fabrics. So now we can have embroidery designs stitched out on all kinds of fabrics and products starting from clothing to curtains, cushions, bags, and anything else that you can imagine. If the needle works on the material you can have your designs embroidered on it. 

Cre8iveSkill is an endeavor, which can give you a full package of vector art designs, embroidery digitizing, embroidery on the product, and if needed garment stitching too. Let us take you on a journey, to explore this beautiful, creative technology-driven world full of opportunities and products galore.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/the-evolution-of-the-embroidery-industry