A Conscious Approach with Digitized Embroidery | Cre8iveSkill

A Conscious Approach with Digitized Embroidery

Starting off with this amazing one-liner by Will.I.Am, “Waste isn’t waste, until we waste it”. The fashion industry has a huge negative impact on the environment and social impact around the world. Did you know that it takes 2,700 liters of water to make a single t-shirt? Fashion is one of the biggest contributors to pollution in the world. It produces more harmful gases than the international shipping and aviation industries together. We waste around 2,700 liters of water when we buy a new t-shirt.

Why do we buy a new t-shirt? Because it is torn? Old? or just not in trend anymore. Don’t you think we should save our mother earth and get into action! Or better, inaction. Yes! Efforts by an individual can make a difference! Pledge not to buy fast fashion or even if you buy, don’t just discard it. Remember the 3R’s? Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. So, get creative – find your old pair of clothing, start DIYing or get your favorite pair of jeans repaired with digitized embroidery because slow is the new cool! Indeed, a great opportunity to get creative with 80% of clothes that you never wear and you save the environment too. What a creative and conscious approach! Let’s see how can an individual work upon this conscious approach with digitized embroidery.

Technology As A Key Factor For A Sustainable Fashion Future

Technology on a more personal scale has been able to advance sustainable fashion as well. Vintage and secondhand clothes play such an important role in the future of sustainable fashion because the more we are able to reuse and recycle, the less product is made. The Internet makes a sustainable life so easily accessible. With new websites and online brands and service providers on the rise, there are constantly new developments in consumer tech for eco-friendly living. 

Overconsumption and the unavoidable disposal of unwanted clothing and accessories have become a global concern – and in many cases, these goods are unnecessarily thrown away, instead of being repaired or recycled. There are many ways to repair and recycle your old, torn or out of trend garments and revamp it the way you want. One of the ways to revamp your old garments is digitized embroidery. Digitized embroidery is the most convenient yet affordable option to refurbish yours out of trend clothing. Customization in digitized embroidery is also an option.                                                                                                     

There are firms like Cre8iveSkill, who accept your artworks in any format and convert them into beautiful digitized embroidery files that can be easily used to create patches to use on jackets, jeans, bags, caps, etc. You can easily patch up the torn or discolored section of your garment and make it as good as a new garment. Less wastage will eventually lead to less consumption which will result in less fast fashion production and can be beneficial for the environment and will maintain a great balance in fashion and environment.

As sustainability is a global concern, Cre8iveSkill is dedicated to providing digitizing services to clients all around the world with the best in business services with more than 20 years of expertise. Cre8iveSkill in-house a team of highly skilled and trained embroidery digitizers who put their heart and soul in providing the best quality digitizing to clients, catering to all time-zones with a turnaround time of just 12 hours.  Isn’t that what you were looking for?  Go on and get your artworks digitized now! 

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/a-conscious-approach-with-digitized-embroidery

Sustainable custom embroidery digitization On Demand By Cre8iveskill

Approach to digitized embroidery

The fashion industry has long been at the wrong end of the sustainability revolution. It has more been associated with things like pollution, inefficiencies, and low wages. However, sustainable embroidery digitization is one area where the industry is beginning to make reputational improvements.

Technology & Approach to Digitized Embroidery

Technology & Approach to Digitized Embroidery

Technology continues to play an increasingly important role in advancing sustainable fashion. One way to achieve this is to use digitized embroidery in refurbishing clothing. Another option is customization through digitized embroidery. Consumers can create artworks of their choice and have them converted into digitized embroidery files, resulting in the creation of custom patches. These patches can be used on any clothing including jackets, caps, jeans or T-shirts, etc.

Faster Turnaround Times

Embroidery digitization helps in speeding up slow fashion by allowing you to create digital images quickly. Embroidery digitization companies have established a reputation in the industry for providing quick turnaround times. It is possible to handle multiple orders simultaneously. This means the orders are completed quickly and finished products reach customers with faster turnarounds.

Digitized Embroidery for Fixing Used Garment

Digitized Embroidery for Fixing Used Garment

There is also increased use of custom embroidery digitization for patching up discolored, damaged, or torn areas of the garment. It can help turn such garments into new ones, preventing wastage. The technology enables lesser wastage, which translates into less consumption, which further results in less fast fashion production. It contributes to environmental protection and results in more balance between fashion and the environment. Both used and vintage clothes have a big role to play in the world of sustainable fashion. More recycling and reuse translate into lesser production. This aspect of this digital technology helps address 2 important areas of global concern:

  • Disposal of used or unwanted clothing
  • Overconsumption of clothing

Unwanted clothing is disposed of in many places without being recycled or repaired. This is despite the availability of endless opportunities for repairing and recycling torn, old, and out-of-trend clothing and transforming it whatever way your creativity allows it. And digital digitization on demand is one of the best ways to practice your creativity.

Digitalization and Sustainability

Digitalization and Sustainability

At this point, it is natural to question whether digitalization contributes directly to sustainability. The impact may not be direct, but it helps by creating opportunities. And these opportunities prop up at different points from the phase of the production of raw fiber to the stage of finished clothing.

Flexibility in Designing

The growing influence of digital digitization on-demand in the clothing industry is helping realize the goals of both cost and time savings. But the benefits go beyond. It is a faster way to implement the latest trends in embroidery and provides more flexibility compared to the conventional approach. More designs can be created and crafted in a shorter period compared to traditional manual techniques. The designs that can be created are limited only by your imagination.

Applications of Embroidery Digitizing

Applications of Embroidery Digitizing

There is more to embroidery digitizing than making it easy to recycle, repair, and reuse secondhand or damaged clothing. It is also used for making elegant and striking symbols, logo designs, and trademark. Digitizing much more complicated than what most people think. It involves a combination of science and art. Stitch types are changed to duplicate artwork and matching document specifications. The technology can be used to digitize almost any design. It is essential to create accurate and detailed documentation to be able to reproduce minute details, tiny letters, and complex color gradients.

Some of the specific application areas that can benefit from digital digitization on-demand include:

  • Promotional designs
  • Designs on corporate uniforms
  • Fundraising campaigns
  • Customized gifts for friends and loved ones
  • Advertising designs, including logos

Custom Embroidery Digitizing

Custom Embroidery Digitizing

The scope of custom embroidery digitization covers designs customized for individuals, organizations, and businesses. Custom designs are unique in that they are of interest to certain groups. For example, a non-profit organization having a charity event will need digitized designs embroidered over certain items. Such designs have significant value for promotion and branding for the event. One of the best things about such customization is the level of flexibility it offers. It makes it possible to take stock designs, make changes to them, and digitize them. Besides, it is possible to create custom designs and digitized from scratch. Almost all types of organizations are going to use custom designs at one point or the other. Whether it is a business, social institution, or an academic institution, it will be required to create unique designs at one or the other time. On the other hand, individuals get the chance to create own designs that can be valuable to them or their group.

Making Sustainability Possible

When it comes to sustainability and embroidery digitization, the questions is not if it is possible or not. The more important point is whether everyone involved understands the need to combine demand, customer requirements, and compliance requirements for creating sustainable business models. Achieving all this at affordable costs is a big challenge. Some of the important points to be considered in this regard can include the following:

  • Promotional designs
  • Designs on corporate uniforms
  • Fundraising campaigns
  • Customized gifts for friends and loved ones
  • Advertising designs, including logos

All this makes it possible to meet global demands in an accurate and timely manner. The global textile manufacturing industry is in its early stages of becoming digital. But it has evolved beyond the scope of smart wearable technology. It involves creating more sustainable and efficient supply chains by creating new business models of a more connected world. There is an increased emphasis on data management to create sustainable results for the environment, business, and the consumer.

The cost-saving and time-saving processes continue to make this niche increasingly sustainable. There is a big scope for the development of this technology in the future. While it has initially been embraced by businesses and organizations, the increased cost reduction can help in making it viable for increased mass application as well.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/sustainable-digital-digitization-on-demand-slow-fashion-produced-fast

Quick Online Embroidery Digitizing Solutions By Cre8iveskill

Advertising plays a significant role in the business cycle. There’s no better way to advertise than to use your logo and increase your brand’s awareness. As rightly said, ‘A picture speaks a thousand words’, and your business’ picture is your logo. You probably have noticed that brands such as H&M, Burger King, Reebok, Apple, Samsung, etc. never miss a chance to place their logo on their products and their staff uniforms. When needed, you can do the same and start with your staff uniform is not a bad idea. To begin with, you will need an embroiderer and a digitizer who can provide quick digitizing for uniforms. You might wonder why don’t embroiderers just take a design and begin work on it? The computer software used by digitizers to digitize the logo is a very complex software which requires years of experience to command the embroidery machine to embroider the digitized file on to the fabric. They have a language of their own and accept files in their specific language formats. The logo file you make is in standard PC format such as JPG, PNG, JPEG, etc. Embroidery machines do not recognize this format, they have formats of their own i.e. DST, EXP, PES, and so on. To get the embroidery machines working, it is important to have standard PC files digitized to embroidery machine files. Hence, the logo must be digitized before initiating the embroidery process. 

The Peeking Cat

Digitizing Can Last for a Lifetime Digitizing for embroidery is actually manually tracing the entire design using embroidery machine-friendly software that can be readable by the machine to provide the best-embroidered artwork. Yes, that’s correct! It is manual labor that requires the use of software with specific tools. It is beneficial if you choose a highly experienced firm for your digitization solutions as it is all about skills, understanding the basics and experience in a similar area of interest. Normally, those who are related to the embroidery business, or have a plethora of designs to digitize, get training for digitizing embroideries. But, if you are not related to the digitizing industry but need quick digitizing done only once, you can get it digitized from firms who provide online digitizing solutions around the globe with amazing turnaround time at competitive pricing. You don’t need to get the same design digitized every time you need embroidery done. The digitized file can be saved for a lifetime. Whenever you need embroidery done again, give your embroiderer the digitized file and get the same excellent result, even a decade later.

Choose Your Digitize with Care – Never Compromise Quality

The art of transforming any artwork or a logo into a digital stitch format with the help of software is known as embroidery digitizing.  An embroidery machine can only read a special type of file, i.e. the file created after transforming with the help of digitizing software. Since both files (provided by the customer and digitized by a digitizer), are digital files, you don’t need to carry them physically. The internet is boon, you just need to email your logo’s image to begin the work. Since it is a service that you are purchasing, every embroidery digitizing service will have its own prices. When you start searching online, you will encounter experts as well as novices. This is where you, as a customer, need to be careful when selecting a digitizer. Many inexperienced individuals claiming to be experts will agree to provide quick digitizing at very cheap rates. Always do your research before agreeing to someone because they seem unbelievably cheap. Such people won’t be striving to offer you quality, but they will only apply unreliable shortcuts to earn their meager amounts. Avoid such people at all costs. Truth be told, when you talk to a few professional digitizers, you will notice there isn’t a huge difference in charges. It is because professionals are aware of the work they have to deliver and the intricacies involved. Embroidery machines can only follow the path provided to them through the digitized files. The quality of the output depends on the quality of the digitized files.

Get Quick Digitizing From the Best Team

Cre8iveSkill houses a team of professional digitizers with almost 2 decades of experience. We have various embroidery firms and have delivered custom online embroidery digitizing with amazing quality. We are well versed with techniques on how to digitize for embroidery with perfection within the given time. Our work is appreciated by the embroiderers and customers alike because of our experience, dedication, and commitment to quality. Working in a highly competitive industry, we understand our limitations. Thus, we never overcharge nor do we change our commitments. We stick to deadlines strictly and our skilled digitizers are completely capable to handle your project with professionalism. We digitize your logo or any design of your choice for left chest, jacket back, and caps for only $1.50 / 1000 stitches. 

Get a quote here

If you are in need of quick digitizing do let us know when placing your order and we will deliver it in the shortest possible time. We don’t charge extra for rush orders. Our working style ensures you get enhanced details, no thread breakage, sharp and clear images without any material wastage. Working successfully in the industry since 1998, we have earned our position through hard work and the ability to meet deadlines. We also convert images to vectors and our prices are unbelievably low. We are a team of multifaceted professionals comprising of embroidery digitizers, graphic designers, IT experts, and illustrators. The quality we set up in our work speaks for itself and it is the only reason we have been able to keep our heads high with pride. We look forward to serving you and prove why we are the best in the industry. To know more about Cre8iveSkillclick here.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/quick-online-embroidery-digitizing-solutions-by-cre8iveskill

Why Is Embroidery Digitizing The Talk Of The Town By Cre8iveskill


whats app america flag

We have been witnessing a great number of people starting their own business as an embroider in recent years in the USA. What’s up, America? Let’s find out!  As we all know, small businesses are the backbone of America and comprise of 99.9% of all the United States’ businesses with over 30.2 billion businesses across the country.  Industries with the smallest businesses are professional, scientific, and technical services with 4 million firms.  The embroidery business tops the list with technology industries.

The majority of the embroidery industries are usually startups consisting of only one embroidery machine, limited resources, and a small number of employees. The wants and demands of custom digitized embroidery grow, the market flourishes but, are the small industries well equipped to take on the pressure? No, they are not.  Embroidering a design does not only require an embroidery machine, a few threads, and embroider. First and foremost, it requires a highly skilled and well-trained individual known as an embroidery digitizer, who digitizes your artwork into embroidery machine-friendly files which are further used to embroider the design on the garment/accessory. 


embroidery digitizers usa and embroidery

Embroider and digitizer is two different people in the same industry, working on the same project but with different approaches and are interdependent on one another. Embroider works with the physical product that includes fabrics, needles, threads, and other stuff. He is able to touch and feel the product to check his work. Whereas, the digitizer does work in the virtual world, digitizes the artworks into embroidery machine-friendly files with software into a DST file, PNG file, or other different files. The industry is running on mutual benefits and fulfilling the commitments. However, hiring a digitizer can be an expensive deal for embroidery start-ups as resources and capital are in limited quantity and customization orders are occasional.

What do the small embroiders do then? They outsource! Yes, outsourcing digitized embroidery is a great alternative for having an in-house embroidery digitizer. Let me tell you


Embroidery digitizing is an expensive affair as the software used in digitizing the artwork is best in class. Also, the digitizers are highly trained and skilled which involves lots of capital investment and also a lot of time investment. As the industry has developed, digitizing firms have started to work online and accept orders from around the globe. Firms like Cre8iveSkill accept your artwork in any format and with a turnaround time of just 12 hours, convert your artwork into beautiful digitized embroidery which can be easily run on embroidery machines. This not only saves time but also saves investing in quality checks of the embroidery, as the highly skilled and trained embroidery digitizers do the complete quality check by sampling the digitized embroidery.

Outsourcing digitized embroidery

clearly is a great choice for small industries to cut down on investments, processing time and can easily focus on the needs and wants of direct customers. 

The US being a developed nation, has most of its revenue generated by small scale industries where embroidery services top the list.  Embroidery businesses require fewer investments and more creativity but the first step involved in machine embroidery is digitizing. Digitization is an expensive affair as it requires learning of the digitizing skill, time investing, buying of software, etc. The go-to solution for growing businesses is outsourcing. Outsourcing helps in cost-cutting, boosts effectiveness, helps to totally focus on the primary work, and reduces the risks involved.

Firms like Cre8iveSkill have highly skilled and professional embroidery digitizers who provide excellent digitizing services with just 12 hours turnaround time at amazingly competitive pricing.  What are you waiting for? Get A Quote Now! Mail Us: info@cre8iveskill.com Contact Us: +919130010350

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/why-is-digitizing-embroidery-the-talk-of-the-town.

Looking For Embroidery Digitizing Services Here We Are By Cre8iveSkill

Have you been looking for embroidery digitizing services? Here we are! Truth be told, soulmates make their way towards each other. Cre8iveSkill is a one-stop solution for all your embroidery digitizing needs. Based in the Heart of India, Nagpur, Maharashtra to provide online embroidery digitizing services, with a team of highly skilled embroidery digitizes, to clients all over the world. Cre8iveSkill specializes in logo digitization, 3D puff embroidery, colour blending, applique embroidery, embroideries for bridal wear and home furnishing with facilities like Chenille, Cording and Sequin using best in business software like Wilcom E3.  

Watch here Digitized embroidery video by Cre8iveSkill. 

Is it good or Is it AMAZING?! Have last-minute embroidery submissions at school? Are you designing your own trousseau for your wedding?  Whatever the situation, Cre8iveSkill has your back by providing the best quality embroidery digitizing at competitive pricing within a matter of just 12 hours!!   But all good things come with a disclaimer, my dear!

Here are a few things that you should keep in mind to get your embroidery digitized within 12 hours!!  

  • Size: You should provide the dimensions that you require (width x height) for embroidery to the digitizer so that they can provide you with the appropriately sized digitized embroidery.

  • Colour: You should clearly mention the colour names or the Pantone colour codes that you need in the embroidery so that there are less/no discrepancies regarding the colour with the digitizer.

  • Stitches: You should mention the type of stitches that you need for embroidery (Running, Satin, Complex, etc.).

  • Fabric/Product: You should inform the digitizer about the fabric/product that will be embroidered upon so that the digitizer is well aware of the stitches he is going put in the digitized file according to the fabric or the product. Fabrics like cotton, silk, net have different densities, that is why the stitch quantity of embroidery depends on the fabric. Similarly, products like shirts, caps, jackets, etc. also have different densities and therefore requires appropriate stitch types.

  All this information, if provided to the digitizer at once, makes the process faster and easier for a 12-hour turnaround. It’s a two-way thing, after all.    Cre8iveSkill is your one-stop-shop for all your embroidery digitizing needs. We in-house team of highly skilled and trained embroidery digitizers who when given the proper information as mentioned above, digitize your artwork with the best quality digitizing and amazing turnaround of just 12 hours at attractively competitive pricing ensuring no thread breakage by sampling it out first before sending the file. Now, imagine the level of professionalism. 20+ years of experience is a big deal guys!  Think no more! Get a quote now!!

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/looking-for-embroidery-digitizing-services-here-we-are.

What’s New In The World of Embroidery Digitizing?

Embroidery is one of the practices that is cherished by all, regardless of whether they really ace the method or not. Wondering what’s new in the world of embroidery? Following quite a while of no improvement stage, embroidery is currently back with a blast and has something new in the realm of embroidery that is being valued by individuals like never before previously. Customarily, the embroidery was just utilized as a procedure to patch garments. Nonetheless, over some stretch of time, the strategy has advanced to have a lot more prominent significance than now it is likewise utilized in the expert world to make delightful and inventive plans.  This article investigates how embroidery patterns and developments have attacked various fields far and wide, from marking to road workmanship, and how embroidered structures help satisfy the design requirements for various classes of individuals. Let’s discuss some of the aspects of fashion where the embroidery is used.


Embroidered wedding dresses came into notice when Hollywood character, Angelina Jolie wore her dress on her wedding day. Her dress had her children’s drawings embroidered on the back and on the cloak and this was something that had never been made. The production of such a dress with such intricate embroidery stirred the business such that numerous creators began to consider how they can join such plans into their pieces.  Similarly, Priyanka Chopra, an Indian Bollywood actress wore a heavily embroidered gown on her wedding day with her late father’s initials and her wedding date. Isn’t that goals!? Embroidery on a sensitive texture is a troublesome activity. In any case, with sheer commitment, persistence and diligent work, you can also ace the procedure of creating complicated plans on various types of texture. To begin with, a fundamental picture can be digitized with the assistance of embroidery digitizing programming.


Expansion of bright, embroidered strings is an incredible method to give new life to your old footwear. A couple of years back, no one would have envisioned that it is particularly conceivable to embroider shoes as well. Furthermore, today, the creation has turned out to be regular to such an extent that young ladies currently tweak their shoes that they can undoubtedly revamp later, with no issue.  By adding weaving string to shoes, young ladies can ensure that their footwear coordinates their garments or the shade of the nail paint that they’ve put on. They can re-wrap the string one week from now to coordinate the changed toenail paint!


Embroidery digitization can be effectively used to give another life to old bags of any shape and size. Individuals love carrying a different sort of packs while traveling, shopping, at the workplace or during a casual outing. A tad of individuality to your preferred sling bag, laptop bag, shoulder bag, or travel bag can help make overpowering enchantment. It makes your bag resemble a genuine frill alongside the garments that you’re wearing. Just imagine how amazing that would be. You can get your own artworks digitized and embroidered on the bag you want and flaunt your artwork.


No one could have envisioned embroidered coats turning into success this year. Be that as it may, the truth of the matter is that this pattern is going to blast sooner rather than later. Embroidered silk bomber is undoubtedly in trend and a number of international celebrities have already joined the silk bomber bandwagon. The popularity of the embroidered jackets can be attributed to the fact that they look good on anyone and everyone. Embroidered silk bombers are not new. The prevalence of the embroidered coats can be ascribed to the way that they look great on anybody and everybody.  These sorts of weaved coats wound up acclaimed during World War II, on account of the Japanese officer who had his Army aircraft weaved with brilliant blossoms as a token from the nation. A multitude of different fighters went along with him and began to rush tailors to get their coats embroidered likewise.


Embroidered watches were first presented in 2013. These watches had embroidered dials, created with sensitive and bonafide silk strings. This sort of embroidery was viewed as so inventive that an Artistic Crafts Award was won by Chanel at the 2013 Grand Prix d’ Horlogerie de Genève. From that point onward’s, Chanel has included another accumulation of embroidered watches, with upgrades being made with each design, each season.  Every season, new components are incorporated into the designs. For instance, in 2014, the utilization of gold string came into the spotlight. The pattern was trailed by the incorporation of dabs and pearls to the design. In any case, making such plans isn’t a simple errand. New innovation is created with every improvement in configuration to guarantee that the new component remains set up. The world of embroidery is limitless. If you have the creativity and urge to revamp old, unused products, you can create wonders. It does not only unleashes the creativity within you but also reduces wastage which further helps to save the environment as we all know that the fashion industry is the number 1 contributor to global warming and we, as ultimate consumers can help to reduce this by reducing wastage by reusing the already existing products. We can always revamp and recreate to keep up with the trend.  

Digitized Embroidery is the #1 go-to solution for DIY-ing old, used products. You can provide your own artworks to the digitizers and they will convert these artworks into embroidery machine-friendly files that can be easily embroidered to any garment or accessory. Digitizing firms like Cre8iveSkill in-houses a team of highly skilled and trained embroidery digitizers who provide impeccable digitizing services with 12 hours turnaround time at amazingly competitive prices. Still, Thinking? Cre8iveskill offering quality digitizing in less than 12 hours with NO RUSH FEES at unbelievably low prices for over 15+ years. Our range of custom embroidery digitizing includes:

  • Embroidery digitizing
  • Custom digitizing
  • Logo digitizing
  • Hat digitizing
  • Logos
  • Caps
  • T-shirts
  • Appliqué Embroidery
  • Apparel Sourcing

Contact details: Cre8iveskill Email Id: info@cre8iveskill.com Phone No.:+91-9130010350 Whatsapp No.:+91-9130010350 Skype ID: debashish.g1971 Click here and GET A QUOTE!

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/whats-new-in-the-world-of-embroidery

Computerized Embroidery Marrying Fabric By Cre8iveSkill

Customized apparel with computerised embroidery adds a personal touch to the apparel and are widely used in brand promotions. But have you ever wondered why some embroideries look appealing while some are clear rejects? Well, there is a lot that has to be understood and mastered before considering computerised embroidery projects.

Back then, when embroidery was a manual task, it gained immense popularity due to the magical thread-work and elegant appearance. Hand embroidery required skilled manpower and a lot of time to accomplish projects. Computerised embroidery is the evolution of hand embroidery that led to a drastic transformation in the way embroidery is done. Although the basics are the same, simple hand-held tools have been replaced by technologically advanced machines and therefore more details have to be observed in order to create embroidery designs that look clean and attractive.

Custom embroidery digitization has made embroidering on apparel really quick and easy. But not all that looks excellent on computers and papers will look elegant on fabric. In order to design an appealing, neat and unique embroidery on apparel, one needs to bring the right materials together. The fabric, needle, thread, design, machine software, and the design file format – all must be in a compatible form to bring out a masterpiece.

How does the choice of fabric impact your embroidery design?

The choice of fabrics greatly affects the embroidery designs and their entire appearance. Fabrics like cotton and performance fabrics are incapable of holding embroidery stitches well whereas those like types of denim, Polos, and most knits deliver great results. The reason is that lighter fabrics develop wrinkles after a single wash and thick fabrics strongly adhere to the embroidery stitches and let the design remain neatly in place even after frequent washes.

Important tips for embroidering on different fabrics

CANVAS – When you have to embroider on caps, t-shirts, bags and other apparel, the canvas is a great fabric option. Experts suggest shrinking the canvas before embroidering to ensure the design remains the same even after multiple washes.

FLEECE – Fleece is the best choice for embroidering on jackets, vests, and pullovers. It is important to select high-quality fleece as low-quality fleece tends to stretch or move during the process and may ruin your design. Use a medium-weight cutaway stabilizer and spray adhesive on it to create a stable support for embroidering as the polyester component in fleece makes it slippery and stretchy.

JERSEY – This is an all-time favorite of embroiders as it produces elegant, high-quality embroidery pieces that look beautiful and incorporate naturally into the apparel. Jersey knits are stretchy and thin which requires the use of cutaway stabilizers in order to ensure firm support during the process. Using a stabilizer also makes sure that your embroidery remains intact in its original shape and color after several washes and uses.

It is advisable to use no-show mesh stabilizer as jersey knits are sheer in nature. Also, to avoid wrinkling of the material it is important to spray an adhesive on the stabilizer that strengthens the bond. You can also use fusible or adhesive-backed cutaway instead of the spray.

MICROFIBERS – When embroidering on microfibers, make sure to wash and dry it before use. It is a synthetic material and is finer than a human hair. Therefore, it is often blended with nylon/polyester that results in the stretchy nature of Microfiber. Experts recommend using a medium weight cutaway stabilizer to offer a strong, stable base for embroidery stitching.

MICRO PIQUE – Mostly used for athletic wear, Micro pique fabric is a great choice for embroidery designs on polo shirts. To ensure a neatly embroidered design that sustains several washes, it is important to use a soft cutaway stabilizer along with an air erasable fabric pen for designing.

Like all successful marriages, there needs to be a strong sense of compatibility between the chosen fabric and the allocated design. Each has characteristics and intended purpose and specific details that need to be considered. Therefore, before implementing, one should ask (or us) the following questions to ensure the best results and optimum satisfaction with the results:

  • Will the design’s stitch density change the hand of the fabric? If so, does this pose a challenge or obstacle?
  • How will the fabric’s color, weight, and texture influence the design?
  • By using backing or topping, could you achieve a better result?
  • Can this fabric be used in digitized embroidery and is it sustainable?
  • Does the fabric gather or could the drape be affected by the embroidery?
  • Is there an alternate fabric that can be used that would provide better results?
  • Would you recommend using a different embroidery technique?

Fabric is the base of your embroidery and other equipment perform on the base. So, it is important to select the right embroidery equipment and most importantly the fabric while creating embroidery designs. Customized embroidery designing is a platform that gives creative embroiders an opportunity to experiment and create amazing embroidery pieces. We, at Cre8iveSkill, empower such digital embroiders and with highly advanced machinery we undertake embroidery projects and have set a record of delivering projects within a turnaround time of 12 hours.

For further inquiries, contact us on +91-91300 10350.

Read more – https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/computerised-embroidery-marrying-fabric-with-designs

Modern Colorful Computerized Embroidery Home Decor Designs

Our home is the most comfortable and safest place to be in. No matter if you have had a stressful day at work or had been on an adventurous trip with friends when at home you are at eternal peace. Surprisingly, this is not the case with many. People tend to focus so much on their appearance with the help of machine embroidery designs and work schedules that they forget to step back and check whether the house is keeping well or not! Yes, your home also needs energising, revamping and beautifying.

“Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style.”

—Billy Baldwin

Rightfully said by Billy Baldwin, your taste is unique and never goes out of fashion. Your home is your space and the way you design it reflects your personality and also affects your personality when you step out of your home.

So much is said about the colors, shapes, and designs of home décor items on the internet. While browsing, you might find that embroidered pieces are appreciated lately for their elegant designs and unique texture that brings life to the plain walls and rooms as a whole. In addition to the traditional embroidery pieces that still behold their value, embroidery digitization has brought in a whole new world of possibilities. Digital embroidery allows modern art to be sewed elegantly with advanced mechanisms and allows customization too. Machine embroidery designs look classy and are easy to implement on different kinds of fabric depending on what your purpose is.

So, if you have an eye for design and love for embroidery, let your home undergo transformation with some simple yet beautiful pieces of modern computerized embroidery art. You’ll want to cherish your efforts after the final look of your home and wish you had done this quite earlier.

Here are some examples to influence your choice

Abstract wall piece

This piece is a masterpiece with an abstract design that looks truly beautiful and subtle on almost any wall in the living room. The large flowers with thinly weaved petals make the entire design very appropriate for the study room as well.

Pet-loving embroidery piece

This is something for pet lovers. If you have a pet at home, you might want wall pieces that reflect your passion for them. It would also make the pet more comfortable in human space. You can place an embroidered piece having your pet’s image in your kids’ bedroom or in the pet house if you have one.

A designer pouffe

A colourful pouffe with patchwork and bright threads will easily catch the onlookers’ attention. It is a wonderful piece of art that can be used for multiple purposes too. One pouffe in chosen corners of your home would make the perfect utilization of space and blossom up the look and feel of the neutral wall colors.

Front door hanging

A traditional door hanging piece is just needed to make the entrance of your home warm and welcome visitors happily. It enhances the appearance of the dark-colored large doors and graces visitors every time they visit you. Select a welcome piece that reflects your style and is in contrast to your house’s color scheme.

Sophisticated table piece

Say it simply with warmth. Have a small message embroidered on a piece of fabric and frame it to gift your loved ones. This is a unique way of expressing your love in a personalised manner. Select colors and thread stitches that bring out the message clear and is visible from a considerable distance. From those who stay away from home, this gift would be a precious one.

Unique decorative umbrella

his umbrella is a wonderful home decor piece. Yes, don’t ever take it out in the rains! The beautiful embroidery on the otherwise dull umbrella is a creative thing, isn’t it? Such an unusual piece of art would definitely catch everyone’s eye and make your home an artistic place.

Delicately embroidered pillow-cover 

An embellished pillow is a must-have. It not only looks beautiful but gives warmth to the most relaxing place you ever want to be in – your bedroom. You also can have these placed on armchairs in your living area or balconies.

Creative bathroom supplies

Decorate your bath-space with towels and rugs that are embroidered with fresh lime color that enhance the freshness. Smooth threads can be used to weave stitches on these pieces so that they feel soft. Bath-space is mostly understated when considering a renovation of the interiors. Do not leave it unattended and choose accessories wisely and feel refreshed.

Revamping your home décor is an interesting task and we suggest you personally select graphics, fabrics, and images that go into every piece while you must always consult professional digital embroiders for the details. Customized embroidery is widely used for decorating home décor items and creating unique, fresh pieces that are unmatched. Cre8iveSkill has been delivering digital embroidery projects efficiently with its team of creative, experienced professionals.

Now that you have got a fair idea of how you can recreate a fresh look for your HOME SWEET HOMEyou can also brainstorm new ideas and share with us so that we come up with a workable and amazing plan for you. You are only one step behind. Call us at +91 91300 10350 or email us at info@cre8iveskill.com and we will get back to you soon.

Source: https://www.cre8iveskill.com/blog/modern-colorful-computerized-embroidery-art-and-home-decor-designs