Mistakes that you must avoid, That New embroidery digitizers do | Cre8iveSkill

Today we are discussing 4 mistakes that new Embroidery Digitizers make & you should avoid.

Using and depending excessively on autopilot

Your skill is your strength. Automated tools are just for help so that your time and energy are saved. However, as artists, you can imagine and differentiate between objects in the designs. You can use your skill to add and subtract the specifications of a design. You can play with stitch types to create marvelous designs. Embroidery is a 3-D art. It requires playing with lights and shadows. As artists, you can and should visualize the designs to make the best out of them. Use your skill to digitize embroidery. This will not only give you better outputs but also help you learn new things.

Intimidated by the screen

The quality of the design of a digitized embroidery file depends upon how the embroidery turns out and not how it looks on the screen. When printed, the embroidery tends to shift, stretch, run in one direction, and many other things happen to the fabric. When you focus more on the design displayed on the screen and not the actual output — the embroidery, you are intimidated by it and tend to fix things that do not need attention. You might also end up creating a perfect design but the outcome could be terrible.

Not focusing on the type of stitches

Digitizing an embroidery design requires a thorough knowledge of what kind of stitches are required to make a design look perfect. It also means that you should know what kind of stitches should be avoided. If you are conscious about the type of stitches that are required for the design, you will not end up wasting stitches.

Unrealistic testing

As new digitizers, you should aim for maximum exposure to how the embroidery machine works! Often, due to a lack of hands-on experience, you end up avoiding testing your designs or do not consider essential parameters for testing. Pay attention to the parameters such as colors, color combinations, stitches, threads, and fabrics.

Now, we understand that starting something new will have you commit mistakes. Well, it is good as long as you learn from each mistake. Focus more on how things work out and what requirements are needed from your client. You can take inspiration from experts in our industry. We have incredible designs on our website that will motivate you to do your job better. Visit our website from the information in the description box below and keep learning.

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We understand that starting something new will have you commit mistakes. Well, it is good as long as you learn from each mistake. Here are 4 mistakes that you must avoid as a New Embroidery Digitizer. Stay tuned to learn more!

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